Facebook wont die 100% until we find a similar alternative to replace it

facebook wont die 100% until we find a similar alternative to replace it
any suggestions?
>inb4 go outside

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linkedin for networking and professional shit
forums for social shit


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This is MySpace's chance for a comeback

its not
myspace is dead and buried

feel free to go on and make an account but you'll soon see its not worth it

facebook had a gimmick that allowed it to succeed, that gimmick was you could use facebook servers to host your photos and shit, this is why myspace died, because you had to find your own host for most shit

to succeed, you would need to come up with a new gimmick that would trump facebook's currently available options

damn, stallmans doing rough


Semi-serious here. Even if Facebook dies, data mining won't die until normies no longer have a reason to carry around smartphones with them.

hosting everything in international waters and allow cheese pizza
done. instant teenage market, combined with an ongoing stable supply (and growing, by the looks of things) of pedo whales

don't forget about mutual friends and tagging. Many a person has been laid thanks to mutual friends and tagging on facebook


let's hear your brilliant idea then

Not really, it just changed its purpose. It's music oriented now, they could keep that and give it a a better social network, plus it's already known for being the dominant social network for years.

this is correct actually.

one that isn't a honeypot harvesting incriminating data you fucking retard

there is some new decentralized social media platform that looks like twitter, which is opensource and foss and all that good shit.

google this word, it may be related.

also i am not saying this is the next big thing but it may lead you to some more information re: where social media is or should be headed

i left facebook a long time ago and i hear more and more people are leaving so... and they likely will not find a way to fill that gap so yeah i think it's a good time to come up with something new.


But (((they))) still own internet cables. You will be simply cut off from connection.

>plus it's already known for being the dominant social network for years.

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I should've said "having been"

Go outside.

Facebook serves no purpose for the working, tax paying white man. Don't give one solitary fuck about your gay neetbook

When wasn't it about music and performance arta? Bandcamp succeeded it in a way. MySpace at least encouraged local music scenes.

Gpg + mailing lists.

Wasn't it initially a a regular social network that was heavily used by artists? Then Timberlake bought it and reoriented the site's focus to what it was used for.

bandcam really did fuckin smash it im the type of asshole that pirates music and even i have put hundreds into that website

its just so fucking convenient

We need something tha works out of the box, because normals hate learning how to use shit. And make it foss.

Forget convenience, you can actually support artists you enjoy and perhaps encourage new scenes to emerge. MySpace never had the wide appeal of an all-encompassing network like Facebook sadly. Not everyone could've been bothered to forcefully enjoy arts. I would like to see a combination of Facebook and Bandcamp in some capacity, hopefully without such a network participating in the NSA's PRISM project. Wishful thinking on my part most likely.

It probably will be replaced by something even more atrocious and invasive.
>Let your buddies follow your every thought using our intracranial implants. It's free!