Look at positions in company

>look at positions in company
>look at job openings
>all "senior" positions buy only require 2-4 years of experience
What does senior even mean?

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>What does senior even mean?

It's a low-level title, below "Senior", "Lead", "Staff" and "principal"

>What does senior even mean?
able to train junior staff, so they can replace you in 6 months

Read "senior" as "experienced."

Not OP but I'm in a similar situation. I worked 5 months as a sysadmin, should I look for senior or junior jobs?

Can you do [sysadmin task x], or do you need to ask what [sysadmin task x] is?

How much time does startup experience count for? My friend and I spent 2 years running our startup into the ground, but we learnt a lot. I need to go back to save enough money to try again, should I go for senior or junior roles?

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What was your startup? How'd you get capitol?

Machine learning stuff, Friends and Family and a bunch of government money.

Our product worked, but we're better engineers than businessmen.

What did it do?

Mainly sentiment analysis stuff and a few more advanced things. I don't want to talk about it too much to be identifiable.

what lang/tech stack


Twice the work at 1.5x the pay.
Also, checked.

What did the heavy lifting?

like anyone gives a fuck about your failed business idea. btw I worked for a startup that did sentiment analysis on social media pages at a large scale so your idea is probably smoked by now

Welcome to the world of programming. Good luck on your journey of finding out that it's 15% code and 85% bullshit.

Senior means:
> You can handle shit on your own
> You're generally effective
> You can form juniors
> You have more responsability
> You get to earn like 15-30% more

I just want to get promoted out of needing to write code anymore.

>What does senior even mean?
"Friends with the owner's son."

Most people do.
1. There's something called 'The Peter Principle'. Google it. It states that
>'Anything that works will be used in progressively more challenging applications until it fails.'
Basically, you're an asset for the company. As long as your code works and you dish out important work..why would they ever promote you to a position that doesn't involve you writing code? It doesn't make sense for the company
2. Your ways out are pretty much:
> Project Management - where you don't necessarily make more or much more than as a developer and have fun being the API between the client, the dev team AND the executive. If something isn't done right..your head is on the chopping block, not Stacy the Jr. Front End
> CTO - you better have a great degree, connects and leadership abilities.

But I'll play nice and I'll tell you how you can stop having to write code: hire others to do it for you..like your employer does for example

I really do want to get up to project manager. I don't think I'm CTO level yet.

Could I do it laterally? My company probably won't promote me.

>like writing code and designing systems
>dislike managing and business stuff

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Don't take any titles to heart unless the pay is too low for you. When you apply for jobs cast a wide net and see what replies you get back.

I want to fuck a juniors boipucci

Companies rarely list junior or middle position on their web-pages. The reason is that they always have enough candidates for those positions. They list senior positions if they don't have enough people to interview.
You may send your cv and try applying even if the company doesn't actively hunt juniors. The best way would be contacting HR.

t. BuzzFizzInc. Co-Founder.

Why is this allowed? Isn't this harassment/bullying? How are you focused on diversity if you only look for one type of personality? How are you accepting of others if your only look for liberals? But above all, what does a fintech company have to do with politics in the first place? Who cares and why does it matter if you're not applying to join a political party?

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Depends on the company, some. Companies seniors would only be junior elsewhere, just apply anyway

Free market.
You're free to work somewhere else.

1. Apply
2. Be denied
3. Sue
4. ???
5. Profit?

Senior means grown out of using anime images

The best part is when businesses promote all their most competent coders to management positions and then wonder why the quality and time needed for new projects drops through the floor.

What level is super intendant at?

That is such a typical lefty, condescending, smug response when they don't/can't answer some simple questions.

>complain that entry level positions need too many years of experience
>complain that senior level position need too little years in experience

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