Atari VCS will use an AMD Bristol Ridge A10 APU

>mfw it isn't Zen based
>mfw it is based on Bulldozer
>mfw it is basically confirmed that 4K is out of the question, with 1080 being 30 fps
>mfw running on Linux means all your games can be instantly ported to PC, making the Atari VCS USELESS
where is the atari shitposter with the moustached wojak?


Attached: Atari_VCS-81c072c50f6b447d.jpg (700x393, 18K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Aw shit
There was speculation that it will use IntelCPU+Vega APU.
I was hoping that it will use Ryzer 2200 variant so there will be nice space for performance and price benefits.
As it is this is nothing but a "steam" box with sub par hardware and no real competitor to MS or Sony.
Shame they had a great opportunity and huge original catalog of games.

It's a linux based emulator machine in a fancy plastic box costing 100 dollars, who gives a shit

confirmed it costs $250 - $300 at launch

Attached: 1497828486960.png (700x1000, 22K)

Can't they do something worthwhile and release a nice little ST box instead?

Attached: ataritard black.png (838x946, 151K)

>people were hyped for this turd
The company isn't even the real atari, they're just milking it's brand.

No one cares. This shit is going to flop.

I'll buy one because I want them to succeed

So it's about as pathetic as every other current console. Hurray.

It's just a steam machine

It's more of a gaming oriented Linux desktop than a console.

It's literally just Coleco Chameleon 2.0. It's a scam to get free kickstarter bucks. Nobody cares.

Pretending it actually released, why would you even think it'd be capable of 4k gaming? Most gaming PCs aren't even capable of 4k gaming. The best this thing could hope to be useful for is an emulation device, and even then the "emulation box" market is beyond saturated at this point.

>isn't even the real atari

Well, if you knew anything about the real Atari, that's far from being a demerit.

>just Coleco Chameleon 2.0. It's a scam
Its not a kickstarter and AMD already acknowledged their contract in their marketing slides.
pic related

Attached: 1515665608456.jpg (1276x591, 54K)

>Its not a kickstarter

Indiegogo, same shit.

>Bristol Ridge
they done goofed

Attached: 1497937590752.png (1051x936, 211K)

128 bytes of RAM is enough for anybody.

The A10 will put them almost on par with the APUs of XBox and PS4, which are also Bulldozer based. The question is whether there will be enough new games on it. Remember PS3 had to deal with the "no games" stigma, and they were produced by a huge successful corporation - not by a formerly bankrupt company.

Everything that runs on Linux will run on this so 3000 titles not counting the emulators.

Who the fuck cares, it's soy tech for retards who can't set up their own emulator.

Compared to windows with literallly 10x that or more, not counting emulators

Are they really calling it VCS?

What will I call the 2600 then? It's real, original name is VCS.

This will get confusing.

>tfw my shitty bulldozer rig still remaining relevant

Attached: Camera_Capture.jpg (600x1852, 149K)

>AMD video on Linux
If you thought it was bad on Windows, wait until you see it on Linux.

just like ps4?

What the fuck are you talking about.


Bristol Ridge aka the Carrizo refresh is just 8 CU, and heavily memory bottlenecked. Its way behind the Xboner.

Radeonsi is better than leather jacker man's blob most of the time now.

I know it's a meme image, but using a dedicated capture card in your pc to capture your pc is retarded. OBS Studio is all you need.

I'd buy it for $40 as a media PC if I was a hipster. It would be kinda decent for streaming movies and games from my proper PC.

>Someone looked at Ouya and went, we can pull that same bullshit
>Disco Wojaks everywhere and no specs or actual info in sight 2017
>Now the specs are released, welcome to Ouya 2.0

Why do people still keep getting hyped over shit they can already do with the computer or phone they are currently shitposting on?

Disco Wojak was just a way to make Wojak fun again, I imagine at most 5% of shitposters were actually hyped.

>the ryzen 3 2200g fucking obliterates the fastest A10 ever made

Yeah this is pretty pathetic

>which are also Bulldozer based.
They're based on Jaguar :)

On the GPU this will be way worse than the latest console refreshes.

Are you an Intel shill?


Attached: 570666-apu1.gif (430x599, 15K)

a) I can run any Linux distro
b) Is free of binary blobs, and can run libreboot
I would buy one.

The 2200g is also memory limited on 8cu. Both have dual channel ddr4 so I don't there's that much performance to be gained for video games and amd is probably giving these away for free now.



My parents need a new media center for TV

>not using the 2200g or 2400g
>not releasing it with Blade Runner 2049 4K HDR with it as a promotional

It's like watching an old Parkinson's sufferer almost get the egg carton in their shopping cart, only to, at the last moment trip into the fridge and shatter every fucking egg

Why the hell is this thread not in Sup Forums ? What the hell are doing mods ?

They keep saying their market is "35yo and older".
I dont know how they plan so survive just selling nostalgia only folks instead as you suggested heavy promotion for young audience and good value product.
Here is an interview ith the guy leading this.
Note that he has 2 failed kickstarter projects behind him one of which was Atari related.
"Atari smart "


Consoles are technology. OUYA v2 is technology.

OP BTFO and confirmed soyboy

>oy look ! this console is uselles because you can port them on PC !
>omg they use [insert cpu name]! they'll only get it running at 1080p 30fps
>how many cost [insert new game console]

this discussion should be in Sup Forums. If you wanted something on Sup Forums about a game console, I wouldn't mind, but talk about retro engineering, creating emulation software, programming for it, etc.

You're using a second machine with an HDMI capture card whose sole responsibility is capturing, streaming and rendering extra UI/donations etc. This way the main machine is not affected in any way.