Apple’s Design

Why are other companies so shit at designing products that look good from both the front and back?

This is seriously the only thing keeping Apple ahead of the game.

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That looks like fucking shit. Fuck off iToddler.

Keep lying to yourself faggot :3c

>This is seriously the only thing keeping Apple ahead of the game.
That and being able to optimise their arm processors instead of having to buy off-the-shelf processors optimised for price.
And being an a year r&d-wise in features like 3d face scanning.

>muh optimization!
Meanwhile in the real world even the iShit X gets destroyed by androids from last year in actual apps and not just applebench.

Where the fuck have you been?

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>4/5 of those aren’t even based on aesthetic design

good job on missing the point

This. iToddler sheep literally don't know how to do anything except parrot what daddy Cook tells them to say.

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aesthetics is subjective, and I agree with >That looks like fucking shit
To me it does look like fucking shit., but I never really liked apple stuff, so maybe it's just me.

this looks dated and disgusting

Apple's design is garbage. The only good looking device they made is the iPhone 4.

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Personally I despise these aluminum laptops of Apple and I'm a fan of more utilitarian design, but it's just my opinion.
Apple designs their products to larger crowd and apparently so know how to appeal to normies better than anyone else.

With that being said, X is objectively the ugliest flagship.

This honestly looks like toddler girl-hand shit.

What does that even mean? There is no such thing as "aesthetic design", aesthetics is a component of design. You have no clue what yo're talking about.

>aesthetics is subjective
Sup Forums is dumb as rocks.

"Hey let's make the back glass too so it can shatter as well, then we can sell DOUBLE the glass".


Apple haven't made a good looking phone in years.

wonder how many of those phones will still receive frequent security patches in 5 years time

>he thinks just because apple packages and forces you to take lagOS malware together when you get security updates, that it must be the same way in android
Android manufacturers know well enough to not do more than 1-2 OS updates, while still supporting the last updated OS version with security patches for many more years.

Cry more iCuck.

>mfw lagdrones are actually proud of being stuck on old versions of android

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>mfw iToddlers are actually proud to have their lagPhone become an unusable brick after a year of lagOS malware "updates"

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How did iOS7 help iPhone 4? It literally killed the device!

It looks like a pill, and they stuck with that design since the 6.

Fucking poor jealous retard.

I never see a reason to update if everythings going well.

>dont change a running system

Apple is a poverty brand. Deal with it poorfag.

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Do you know how fucking retarded you look when you take a meme comment someone made and change a couple of words in your statement with some >le smug 3d face reaction image?

Look guys, this ONE WEIRD report shows how poor Apple owners are!

Middle class people HATE it.

Why does it matter what it looks like on the back? People put cases on them anyway. Up front it's got a mediocre screen and ecosystem lock-in.

most iphone cases have a hole to display the apple logo prominently so you can whore for a consumer electronics brand

>the literal CEO of Applel Tim Cuck admits iToddlers are poorfags and ANYONE can afford an iphone
>b-b-b-but he's just one person!!!1111

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Do you think meme texting some how legitimizes your point? It just comes up as a very very feeble attempt to deflect your jealously and outrage that other people have Apple products and you don't.

Apple stole some of their phone designs from older HTCs actually

Do you think meme texting some how legitimizes your point? It just comes up as a very very feeble attempt to deflect your jealously and outrage that other people have money and you're so poor you brag about being able to afford $2 a day.

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