Why waste money on the real thing when you can just simulate building a PC?

Why waste money on the real thing when you can just simulate building a PC?


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You need a pc to play that.

1. It's really a video game console assembly simulator.
2. Developers unironically use Discord.
3. Supposedly works on "PC" but it really only works on Windows PCs, or WCs, as I've recently taken to call it.

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Not realistic unless the graphics cards start out at $600

I read somewhere that these boring job simulators are for the German market.

>Be German
>Work work all day in soul-destroying technical support role removing viruses from PCs and fixing minor faults
>Go home
>Eat sausage-based dinner
>Fire up "PC Building Simulator" to unwind by virtually removing viruses and virtually fixing minor faults
>Go to bed

Why waste money on a simulation when you can just go to a CompTIA class and build it for free? It's literally that same software they use in those classes to virtually setup a PC but this is rendered in 3D.

Personal computers are the ones running Windows. Like how macs are not pcs, linuxshit is not a pc either. It's a computer.

mac, linux and windows PCs are all PCs as in "Personal Computers", but what PC actually meant back in the '80s and '90s was a short way of saying "IBM PC/ IBM PC Compatible", versus "Apple Macintosh PC" (Mac for short) and "GNU/Linux (or Lignux) PC" (Linux for short).

In conclussion, the first faggot is completely right and the second faggot is partially right: PC is not shor for "Windows PC", but a personal computer with the IBM-PC architecture, that ironically covers windows AND mac, but not all of Linux since some distros run on different architectures.

Shut the fuck up you nerd.

All my computers and planned future upgrades total $600
I hate gaymenfags so much

I forgot this was a Sup Forums thread on Sup Forums so the average IQ is lower, my bad.

>IQ = Knowledge of computers
More like Autism Quotient

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I'm German and the only people I ever met that played these games really have soul crushing office jobs. It's like they hate their job but payment and social status are more important to them than working in a job they enjoy. It's a truly weird phenomenon that these games are so popular around here.

whatever you say my friend, you are 100% correct at everything and eveyone loves you.

I've been sage-ing all this time btw

announcing a sage is against the rules

Disregard last comment. I suck cocks.

Too late.

it's actually a good idea if you see it as a teaching tool, but 10 dollars is too much. I'd pay 5 at most, and considering all the partners it has it should be free.

this while thread is against the rules

So if do a Titan build in-game, can I play games on max settings on my shitty laptop?

I guess if you don't use your rig for anything then it can be very cheap.

people are getting way too retarded

I remember when people used to read the manuals when they build their computers now nobody reads them.

So can i install gentoo

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