Which search engine do I use now?


Which search engine do I use now?

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-03-28 at 12.30.39.png (1238x1286, 580K)

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For me it's Google, and I've used the time line feature many times to remember when I got somewhere or when I left

Protip: Google literally has no delete function.
If they are nice, they just dissociate your data with your profile.
It's not possible to delete anything

t. Chaim

this isn't news. we've known this for a while now.

Wow, like just don't use a google account and clean your cookies.

Sadly this
Embracing the botnet is actually pretty comfy
It also stores where you parked your car, which is the function I use the most

>Uses a Google account
>Uses a Facebook account
>Uses a Twitter account
>Stays logged in all the time
>Surprised all his activities are aggregated and retained forever

Why is this news to plebs? Isn't it 10-15 years too late to be outraged about this?

Attached: 2757fc1d9451f525fe34128d50e819a2--nina-hagen-drag-king.jpg (236x177, 9K)

Normies are complete retards so they've been ignoring us for years but now suddenly that this enlightened pseudointellectual appears and tells them the same thing they listen. It's not about the message itself but who conveys it.

this is actually an opt-in feature though that wasn't tied to any other feature, the dialog specifically asked about logging your locations.

unlike facebook, who snuck phone logging in with SMS integration

Who are this retards that do not know how to turn off the feature. My Location History is empty and it will ever be.

location is only one part of the dozens of different types of data Jewgle keep about you

Just use DuckDuckGo.
Until May when the EU law goes into effect. Then Google has to allow users to delete the data they've got stored AND still provide the services, or face a multi million € fine.


Does it matter if you have an account if there is IP logging and browser fingerprinting?

Try an alternative search engine like ixquick.eu

>Display message to user saying data delete
>Don't delete data. Maybe add "private" tag so user never sees it.

Thats what you think. Google is still probably recording everything, just not showing it to you

Just be a fucking man and do it manually. Thats what i do

Searx like any gentooman or chiru.no proxy for any gentooman with memes mass destruction.

Except if they do this and it is ever discovered, they will be thoroughly fucked by the EU and the United Kingdom.
Maybe if the USA invested more time pretecting its citizens instead of designing useless walls, they could have something like this.

The problem is that everyone does that, no matter how private and secure they say they are, years ago duck duck go was the most private engine in the market, nowadays we know how much bullshit they are.

>Until May when the EU law goes into effect. Then Google has to allow users to delete the data they've got stored AND still provide the services, or face a multi million € fine.
>Don't delete data. Maybe add "private" tag so user never sees it.

Question: Would they give information that they are not suppose to have anymore to law enforcements? can that be used against you?

Are these fucking retarded normalfags just now figuring this out

God damn I hate people.

how is this news?

fuck off. you can delete/view/download each item by its own.

>he thinks he can delete everything Google has on him

I really do. because google only uses our data to get better services. have you ever thought about all the services google has deleted over the last let’s say 10 years? why? they did not need our data anymore. so yes. I think if all your metadata has run through google its useless for them. therefore, you can actually delete your data

>go to my activity
>ahegao phone case search pops up

pretty much sums me up desu

That feel when you sort of want to embrace the botnet for the convenience but have conflicted feelings about privacy

2 cents, bank account, etc.

I'm in the midst of a project where we are not allowed to improve our machine learning models because it would require unfettered access to our customer's data, which we have but won't use without asking.
Unlike Google and Facebook, we don't unethically or indiscriminately attempt to suck our customers for everything they're worth.

All of this reeks of apologists who seem genuinely ``shocked'' at what they apparently don't know is going on, but don't have the balls to take it to corporate and tell them to consider suicide because of their default loser mentality that instantly gives up on trying to achieve something meaningful, justifying it with some baseless notion that they can never win.

The part that surprised me is that it can differentiate when I take my car or my bike
I drive the bike like k drive the car, not zig-zigging around or shit

startpage which proxies google searches
good luck untangling that stuff google

thanks for your insightfull comment :)
I think you are on to something. rather not disturb the peace of silicon valley

I'm obviously not going to stop using the best search engine, so I'll just keep my name off the info thanks
results aren't as good sometimes but that's to be expected and still much better than duck duck go or some other shit

The US government prefers companies over citizens. As long as the former doesn't get screwed over, they don't care about the citizens at all.

Does it also list all the times you glowed in the dark?

My university links our school email to gmail, and as such my peers use google drive for file sharing.

Plebs only care now because they think that Facebook ads magically "hacked" the election and put "big meanie head" trump in the whitehouse. They are unable to face the reality that shillary clinton was a terrible candidate.

>checked the link
>mfw i actually disabled all of the tracking features ages ago
the state of neo Sup Forums is absolutely embarrassing.

Attached: 1521456868562.gif (128x128, 10K)

>check link
>only locations listed are places where I willingly turned on the GPS feature to use the GPS service that Google provides FREE OF CHARGE
Gee, if only there was a way to opt out of this feature entirely in a hassle-free way...!

Oh wow, you clicked a button in the settings menu. Watch out everyone, we have a tech genius over here.
