Net neutrality is bad! government shouldn't be able to set rules on the internet! we should instead give complete total...

>net neutrality is bad! government shouldn't be able to set rules on the internet! we should instead give complete total power to megacorp private interests!

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I don't see your point, asymmetric internet has been a thing since forever and it has a good reason to be.
>[1.0kib/s] UP

>stop licking corporate boots!
>lick government boots instead!

Net neutrality and government censorship are two separate issues.

>stop supporting organizations whose sole existence is for the purpose of protecting and looking out for citizens!
>support organizations whose sole existence is for the purpose of squeezing every last penny out of citizens!

Thats what you get for being a leech.

Not an argument.

The people don't need to lick "government boots" just because government made and enforces the rule that among infrastructure providers, nobody can obviously slow down or deny access to the competition and/or its own customers.

Seed you piece of shit

>>stop supporting organizations whose sole existence is for the purpose of protecting and looking out for citizens!

Attached: __serval_kemono_friends_drawn_by_finalcake__1d72fe4a3001cf20ebc900589b238854.png (846x900, 448K)

Not an argument.

>t. republicuck

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You're shooting yourself on the foot with those articles, organizations like FCC exist for the sole purpose of fining corporations, and those fines and regulations are the reason nobody can enter the ISP market today and you have the current situation, this didn't happen when Trump got elected nor Obama, this issue comes from way before.

I never really understood why libs try to use cuck as a comeback when it has no weight to it. Cuck is specifically used because of the notion that the left wants to be have what's actually theirs be taken from them. Every time I see or hear someone say "Republicuck" I think of your disgruntled facial expressions and poor hygiene.

Cuck is specifically used because of the notion that the right wants to be have what's actually theirs (power/control) be taken from them by corporations.

> the reason nobody can enter the ISP market today
Eh, look abroads and you'll see it's the opposite.
Burgeristan is not giving its excutive enough power against monopolists or excessively dominant ISPs, so they basically consume and destroy all the small competition and then provide lazy service at high fees.

>Government politicians rely on the public to get elected, and as such what is good for the public is good for the politician.
>Corporations with monopolies can not be held accountable in the same way.

>Somehow people would rather give power to those who cannot be held accountable over those who can.

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Nice! Just insult 50% of your country! That will help you get faster internet!

too bad that now the so called 'left' is completely in the tank for the MNCs since they made a rainbow flag version of their app icon.

On the contrary, it gives the executive too much power to fuck the competition, not even google with their billions could enter the market because of regulations.

>i should have federal protection so i can torrent illegally pirated data at maximum speeds

>all torrents are illegal piracy

>corporations should be forced to deliver content they don't want to

What is this, slavery? If you don't like it, go with a different ISP.

>bakeries should be forced to bake gay wedding cakes
>ISPs shouldn't be forced to deliver conservative content

My ISP lowered prices by just over 10% after nn was kill. The only people getting hurt are the bandwith sapping companies like Netflix. kys retard

Sure, they aren't, but let's be real, you're pirating copywrite protected shit.

Verizon has been raising prices and throttling.

Then switch ISP's

>Sure, they aren't

>Do something that does not exist
What did he mean by this?

Xfinity has been lowering prices and giving more download speed.

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Fuck off Comcast.

Feels good living in a 2nd world country and pirating all i want.

hahahaah yes spaniard here , i have symmetric 300 Mbps fiber for 45€ per month , i can download/upload whatever shit i want

There was a price clause in NN?

Because governments can't actually be held accountable either. You have zero control over them, just the illusion of control. The reality is that you complain but nothing changes unless it was something that they were planning on changing anyways.

It's still better than letting corporations run free and every possible conceivable outcome going against the consumer.

speedtest shows me 750-800mbps

My torrents tend to top out around 600-650mbps.
But i'm routing them through a server in the netherlands while i'm in the US, so that sort of performance degradation is more than acceptable.

>net neutrality does absolutely nothing, at best. at worst, it explicitly protects the very same companies (who flout the spirit and intent of the idea of net neutrality as envisaged by the well meaning people who support it) from government penalties or regulation.
>government relgulation is generally bad, for the reason that policy is generally dictated by wealthy elites rather than by public outcry, democratic elections or reasoned deliberation. a government that does not govern, does no good, but it also does no harm.
>we should build decentralized cryptonets, each citizen sovereign over his own router(s), running the same crypographically signed and verified open source software that communicated with all other routers running the same software and following the same protocols.
>look at me, I'm a retarded cartoonish ignorant villain
>I am silly