t-thumbnails are d-depreciated

> t-thumbnails are d-depreciated
> w-who uses desktop icons
> t-they don't include a c-calculator

Attached: a fucking foot.gif (710x828, 21K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Are you retarded?

You missed the "c-c" at the end.

o-0 whats this?

>Needing a calculator in ∂L∂qi−ddt∂L∂qi˙ + 2000 + 18

>fucking a foot

>me must calculate thing by clicking on big shiny butons!!

Attached: retarded egg gnome.jpg (1280x720, 53K)

You know any terminal emulator can be a calculator, right?

Yes. U?

Attached: 1491470211292.jpg (480x640, 59K)

GuhNOMEfags don't, apparently

hello are you a cute person? UwU
To be fair, no normie will ever accept that as an option. They want clicky buttons.
That said, this fault in KDE does not make up for all of the awful shite in GNOME

As another example of GNOME fuckery, let's go back to that "CSD Initiative" thing.

Regardless of how you feel about the issue itself, pay VERY close attention to the wording when they talk about toolkits. They refer to Electron as if it's just another GUI toolkit no different from Qt or GTK. Electron, if you are unfamiliar, is this cancerfuck that essentially runs a Jewgle Chrome instance just for the application, and the program gets written as we "web app" in HTML, CSS, and Javascript. GNOME literally sees no issue with this and believes this bloated shite is deserving of the same respect and should be mentioned in the same sentence as GTK and Qt!

GNOME DE will become standard soon. Embrace it.

Absolutely disgusting. I'll stick with LXDE or XFCE.

If you stick with gtk you will be the gnome's whore all your life.

used to use xfce but recently switched to openbox and my life has gotten 10x better

>using a DE at all

>make your WM hand out xboxhueg, T H I C C titlebars
>>oh gee this huge titlebar wastes a lot of space
>>I know how to solve this: make the whole thing independent of WM bars, so applications will only ever look good on GNOME and are forced to incorporate its retarded design philosophy.
Thanks, GNOME devs.


Software for linux (at least gui) will support GNOME only.
Good luck with your hacks making anything work on your shitty DE ;)

Attached: kde_annoying.png (557x459, 156K)

gtkucks never cease to amuse me

Attached: based_gnome.png (722x625, 319K)

Attached: calculator_in_neon.png (1023x871, 197K)

it took me a while to recognize the foot and konqui but its golden


wtf I love the foot now!!

c-c? (O)(\/\/)(O)

who the fuck actually uses a "big shinny button" calculator app?

On OSX I just use Spotlight, on KDE Krunner. Just hit the shortcut and type whatever boring math or conversions you need. Even normies do this btw.

>who the fuck actually uses a "big shinny button" calculator app?

This is gold, one upboat.

Attached: 1504421848555.jpg (750x725, 88K)

Good thing it is open-source, so you can make a thing, that converts GTK shit to God tier QT (or XForms, depends on your autism)

They won't.

I've screwed KDialog filepicker in GTK. Laggy, no type filtration, but thumbnails.

>even normies do this btw
You obviously don't know any normies

literally every normie uses spotlight on their macs

t. works with normies

The calculator thing is pretty weird too since as far as I know, KDE has a calculatoe, KCalc. I think most KDE distros have it by default. Why someone would make a big deal about one distro which isn't (afaik) aimed at general public not having it, I have no idea.

KDE Neon isn't really a normie distro though, at least I don't think it's supposed to be.

>blocks your path

Attached: calculator.png (705x590, 437K)

here we go again

>Why someone would make a big deal about one distro which isn't (afaik) aimed at general public not having it, I have no idea.

>enjoy the features
what features? it doesn't even include a calculator

Attached: kde_neon_feautures.png (747x436, 29K)

>not q̇i

At least learn to use Unicode nigger.

KCalc is a calculator by the KDE project.

Not included in their own fucking distro, so retarded

>List Price: $27.99
>Price: $12.55
>Has a MU button

What the fuck is this shit? You can get a real calculator for the same or lower price.

>Casio fx-115ES PLUS Engineering/Scientific Calculator
>Price: $16.95
>Used & new (143) from $9.21

Attached: Calculator MU.png (485x728, 103K)

Pirate Matlab.

Attached: 1260047702282.gif (520x603, 66K)

It's supposed to be a showcase of the latest Plasma environment, not really a fullfeatured desktop in the same way, say, Kubuntu is. If you want a fullfeatured desktop with everything a typical desktop user needs installed out of the box , there's better options out there than KDE Neon. But your issue really seems to be what KDE Neon folks package with it and not with KDE Plasma itself. You should check out openSUSE, it gives you a KDE Plasma desktop with all the bell and whistles.

>t's supposed to be a showcase of the latest Plasma environment,
Are you a KDE developer?
Are you qualified to make such statement
or you are just a KTard in damage control?

Is that official enough for you

Says nothing

Literally the one in OP's picture.

If you click that link you'll get to the Neon's FAQ where they answer frequently asked questions such as what KDE Neon is and whether or not it is a (rolling) distro. I suggest reading through it. There's also this cio.com/article/3027639/linux/kubuntu-founder-jonathan-riddell-to-announce-project-neon-at-fosdem.html

Not an argument

Says nothing about the retardation of not including a calculator

KDE neon is a project to give KDE users and contributors a way to get KDE’s desktop software while it’s still fresh. It’ll be providing packages of the latest KDE software so users can install it and stay up to date on a stable base. It’s ideal for people who relish having the latest features today and get frustrated at the need to add extra archives or even compile from source just to try out what they read about in KDE’s announcements. What’s the idea behind KDE neon? Many KDE developers, and developers from other projects too, get frustrated that they release their software then have to wait weeks or months for users to be able to get their hands on it. Neon allows users to get the latest KDE software, either stable or bleeding edge, fast. Not everyone will want that; many people won’t like new features appearing without warning. But for those who enjoy that we’re there for them. KDE neon is a new project that is providing packages of other software made by KDE.

"A way to get the latest packages on a stable base". That's what they're going for. If you read all that on come to the conclusion "oh, they're trying to be a fullfeatured beginner friendly distro that's fit for your grandma and comes with all she might need" from that, then I feel like you're beyond help.

the K Desktop Enviroment
A desktop enviroment includes a calculator, if the case is too show of plasma, why do they include KWrite but not KCal?
retardation I say

Referring to KDE as a DE. Not the distro.


>A desktop enviroment includes a calculator
According to who? Either way it does include a calculator in the form of krunner
Also, they have rebranded quite a while ago. Plasma is the desktop environment, KDE is a developer community.

The DE does include a calculator, KCalc. Whether all distros and software collections (or whatever you want to call KDE Neon for example) package it with their base install, that's a whole another thing. openSUSE and Kubuntu have it, KDE Neon doesn't. But KDE does have a calculator as part of the DE. It's just that Neon for some reason didn't care to include it by default.

>he doesn't use kde neon
enjoy this (You) user, it's the last source of pleasure left for you

Attached: smug_atog.jpg (756x643, 40K)

Can you autists stop feeding (you)s to calculator shitposting?

Granny uses her real calculator, she uses the computer for facebook.

>According to who?
according to the desktop metaphorm
>The DE does include a calculator
Not in Neon, the "distro" maintained by KTards
You don't know granny