On Wednesdays we Kode.
On Wednesdays we Kode
SJWs are worse than communists
>implying there's any difference
Jews created a brand of people even more incapable of reason, communication and incapable to be negotiated with to succeed communists, they called them SJWs, and they have them be their corporate slaves. Communists that also support capitalism and are even more mentally enslaved. The SJW golem will never turn back on their masters like the soviet communists did. We're just savages with smartphones here in America.
She codes and has money and does what she likes,
I write about military doctrines and have no money and I wish I could be an UX/IX designer or even "level designing" monkey.
I'm in no position to criticize her. Also I didn't sleep well for months. I can't even start learning coding because I'm too exhausted to my work.
SJWs are a type of communist
>She codes
You don't sound very well dude. You sure you should be handling this much responsibility?
>I wish I could be an UX/IX designer
I am one and I wish I were dead. I can't stand going to work anymore and I'm too much of a brainlet to become a FE engineer.
I love designing stuff and solving problems. I can draw, even if it's not very "artistic". I like programming but I'm not skilled enough. Moreover, as you can guess I'm autismo enough, if I can handle reading documents to write larps about wars and praise China and their 5 billion years old traditions of managing white devils.
My issue has to do with my coworkers: immigrants that can't shut up for five minutes about privilege; girls who do the exact same thing as everyone else but need to be praised despite the fact that that's why they're paid for since it's their job; all the fucking Star Wars trivia that I know despite never seeing any of the movies; using at least one emoji on every goddamn line; and criticizing Trump despite the fact that we're not even on the same continent. That's what you'd have to put up with. This is a respected company that people know, use, trust and consider it to be of high profile.
We like to Kode with KateKloss
sounds like UK
that whole privilege talk is mainly an anglo curse and not really present in the rest of europe let alone asia
Richard Stallman is a communist and SJW.
it's more like
fascist model by day, shitbuntu formatter by night.
>Richard Stallman is a communist and SJW.
richard stallman is going 3rd reich on every company that does not respects his authority.
let's educate the niggers.
She is literally dating one of the kushner boys..
damage control
Stallman is a SJW if there ever was one, a communist and is the definition of Sup Forums sticky.
Accept it
I don't care about what people say about stallman,
but the sjw license is bsd: "it's ok to take our work and never tell us neither the changes or acknowledge us"
Communism(social nationalism) by definition is a dictatorship which cares about its residents, regardless of ethnicity, but will gladly gas those who doesn't respect the local authority.
Don't confuse your sjw's stupidity with communism that slayed/killed/starved more people in the history of earth than anything else.
I saw what looked like the Karlie Kloss other day in western porno. It was for me sad that it was turned out to be a tranny but very like Karlie but big breasts that I like
>literally everything I don't like is because of jews
SJWs have always existed but nobody gave a fuck about them until Sup Forums (Sup Forums) started giving them attention and making them the victim