Apple has cucked hardware design industry-wide. How long will it take for big companies to start pushing new ideas?

Apple has cucked hardware design industry-wide. How long will it take for big companies to start pushing new ideas?

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what innovative shit is there left to do on the laptop anymore?

we have super thin ones, we have gaming ones with full size desktop mechanical keyboard switches, we have ones with proper eGPU support, we have ones with full multitouch support including wacom pens, we have ones with multiple biometric sensors, etc...

what is there left to do at this point?

Lel kid, speak for yourself

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laptops are soon going to be nothing more than docs for smartphones

Fuck yeah Surface Book masterrace. My only complaint is the Fn Key. They could've just put all the volume/brightness/home/end/etc keys above the F# keys and you wouldn't have to deal with Fn lock.

>looks like a macbook

>Apple has cucked hardware design industry-wide.
DESU, all they've done is cucked mactoddlers.

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Nobody makes ideas anymore. Everyone has agreed that the autists at Apple are innovative and wait for them to set the standards. Saves everyone time and money.

Double screen laptops

Keyboards with haptic response made of the same touch screen LCD as the monitor
Or have both as a dual monitor with touch screen capabilities. You can finally have 4:3 back

>shitty knockoff of acer

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But it functions the way everyone wished tablets were when they first came out.

Microsoft is the new Apple. Just wait until they release that Surface phone.

>that fucking glare

They said that around the time of the motorola atrix, the problem is battery life in modern smartphone sucks, having to power everything else AND keeping the CPU at high load all of the time annihalates battery life, plus the small profile of smartphones means they can't adequately avoid thermal throttling. (Even thinner ultrabooks like the new macbook [non-air, non-pro] are really prone to thermal throttling, smartphones are even worse).

>dual display
done before

>keyboards with haptic response made of same touch screen lcd as the monitor
not for lack of effort, the optimus tactus was conceived in 2007, nobody has figured out an effective way to provide enough tactility for people to know what key they're on before they press and to reliably know that a given key went through

>Or have both as a dual monitor with touch screen capabilities. You can finally have 4:3 back
>Touch surfaces don't want to be vertical. It gives great demo, but after a short period of time you start to fatigue, and after an extended period of time, your arm wants to fall off."

jobs was an asshole, but he's correct here. having the display be bent in half (ideal typing angle) means you have to strain your neck to view it normally when having input and go back and forth between the sections of monitor. if the monitor is 4:3 by being vertical, than it's an ergonomic disaster.

Attached: dims.jpg (600x437, 118K)

Just get the business line of panasonics toughbooks.
Lightweight, vga, lan, removable ssd, ram and battery.
You can buy them used for like 300$. They're pretty close to perfection

i want thicc ultraportables

Attached: serveimage.jpg (1920x847, 85K)

Netbook hardware, 1,024 x 600 panel, sales flop where they started rebranding it as Onkyo to sell in the states with 1366x768 panel displays for ~$1,000 starting (with 2GB of RAM and a 320GB 5400RPM disk). The Onkyo was also an announcement, there's no indication that the Onkyo DX1007A5B was ever actually sold (likely not as it was a massive commercial failure in the Kohjinsha version)

also laptops that work together with phones would be neat, so you could open a pic on your phone more easily or make/take calls on the desktop
asus tried one a few years ago, but it sucked

laptops with external oled indicators could be neat, then you dont even have to open the lid to know if you have mail

I still want laptops with easily removable batteries and drives without opening the case

>the problem is battery life in modern smartphone sucks
so put a battery in the dock

my idea of the concept is having a more or less complete computer that can seamlessly boot from the phone and either combine its resources with the phone's resources or just use the phone's wireless radios and host everything by accessing the phone's storage.

I have no idea if current bus standards would allow something like that though

>also laptops that work together with phones would be neat, so you could open a pic on your phone more easily or make/take calls on the desktop
there hasn't been a consistent standard, we probably would have seen more of this had windows phone succeeded

>laptops with external oled indicators could be neat, then you dont even have to open the lid to know if you have mail
microsoft tried this with vista/7/8. the market rejected it

>I still want laptops with easily removable batteries and drives without opening the case
they still exist, it's just not every laptop from every manufacturer

the main problem is the mobile operating systems are designed around mobile usage. the Atrix was heavily locked down and used a very custom flavor of Linux that did not allow the user to run their own software

current standards really don't permit a good webtop device.

So put a battery in the laptop dock, Jesus christ

It's a glass you faggot. It looks pretty, you can always add matte protector if you need.