Today switching from X220 to XPS 13

>today switching from X220 to XPS 13
Did I do wrong Sup Forums ?

Attached: 0xd34db33f.jpg (4608x2592, 3.17M)

Depends on the OS, fagmaster

you did fine

keep the x220 for when it becomes trannyboot compatible

Delivered with fagbuntu

I thought it was already libreboot compatible

Who told you that

Yes you lost the trackpoint

>tape on the webcam
Why don't you want the nsa to spy on you, you're not a pedofile are you?

Honestly that's the best laptop on the market right now, sans maybe lenovo carbon.

>no trackpoint
>glossy display with glass (?) front
>looks incredibly flimsy
>chiclet with weird layout
Don't get me wrong, XPS13 is a great laptop, but I'd take a Thinkpad over it any day of the week.

I could never own a laptop without the little mouse nub. It's amazing.

Guys.. I just noticed there is no num pad.. wtf lol?

>13' laptops
Wtf is wrong with you

wow wtf XD

No trackpad, small keyboard with crap travel, ridiculous new prices. A much better step up from an X220 is an X230 or a T450s.

15" doesn't either. Still the best laptop on the market

The soyboys over at /tpg/

>he believed the frogposter

Not an accountant

x220 can run coreboot. not libeboot.

They have a website you can check for yourself, you know.

Yes I lost the trackpoint but the display on the XPS is totally worth it even tho it is glossy

Attached: screen.jpg (4608x2592, 3.47M)

I know that but the same frogposter tells you otherwise and people like don't know that

>those stickers
God, I burst in to laughter.

>he fell for it

Attached: soypad.png (1280x878, 72K)

Not him but the xps13 does look comfy
Also those stickers

it is comfy af bro

>anonymous sticker

Attached: 83056283.jpg (500x331, 61K)


>the stickers
Well played.

Attached: anomalous.jpg (560x695, 68K)

>mocking my anonymous sticker
>he is anonymous himself

You didn't get a Mac.

I thought about it but I wanted an 8th gen cpu

yes now pls gib x220

2 late m8


Attached: flat,1000x1000,075,f.jpg (975x1000, 127K)

I switched my x220 to a Yoga 910. No fanless processor.

it is comfy desu I just need to fix the fan speed when AC is plugged in

If you're gonna move to something that is fragile and non-user repairable why not get a fucking pixelbook or surface book, at least you are not stuck with a faggot 16:9 display

Looks like cheaply made shit that you cant even abuse
2/10 made me reply

Is that a thermal pad strip under the Dell symbol? why?

how annoying is the coil whine?

I have the XPS 15 and only with BIOS 1.8.1 is it noticable. Seems DELL took that down from their site

>using 2 fucking cores like in 2006 (c2d premiere)

Attached: navalany.jpg (620x349, 28K)

So it has a fan?

The build quality is pretty good

It's Post-It, I'm hiding the webcams

There is no coil whine for now

Dude it has a quad core CPU