Just found CS50 through Harvard. Intro to CS class that's free, and offers pic related.
Is it any good? Seems a little too good to be true.
Just found CS50 through Harvard. Intro to CS class that's free, and offers pic related.
Is it any good? Seems a little too good to be true.
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Go check cs50 channel on YouTube. You can watch it for free.
fucking idiot its free
>Seems a little too good to be true.
Many universities offer class materials for free.
I see that it's free, I was just wondering if the classes were good.
>I was just wondering if the classes were good.
Visit the websites of universities that you consider to be good. Look up the classes that they offer in CS that you are interested in. Read the syllabus and note the topics that are covered in the class. Compare the topics covered in the paid class to the topics covered in the free class. I imagine they will be pretty similar.
If you are interested in the class and the topics covered are the same/similar then go for it.
>python replaces PHP in fall 2016
I'm not even a language shill but this is funny
Thanks for the advice
>from basic shit to AI in 10 weeks
I think it's more talking about the simple pooints of it. It's an intro class after all.
am I a brainlet if I find this hard to complete
Yes, considering the deadline is December 31st.
No fucking chance you will learn that in 11 weeks, even if you work 16h/hrs a day on it you won't learn all of that, no chance, impossible.
Maybe learn the basics of them, using the word "learn" feels like a lie..Be introduced to? Exposed to? It's like those "JAVASCRIPT IN 30 MINUTES!" youtube videos.
In one ear
Write it down
Out the other.
drop the course right now!
CS50 is only good for the C portion (Weeks 1-4) once it moves away from C, you should probably ditch it.
You can't learn all that in 11 weeks.
That class is a complete meme. It's "the hardest CS class in the world" because 2000 students take it and are legitimately retarded. They can't comprehend simple shit like programming languages (C) or hexademical numbers. Naturally, you get a bunch of stupid life sciences losers taking the class, thinking they're hot shit because they're taking a coding class that basically lightly taps the main concepts of CS, and then fail.
It's not a hard class. It's good in the sense that you get a lot of exposure. It's bad in the sense that you learn almost nothing specifically. Every one of those weeks could be split into 2 or 3 classes by themselves, not even joking. That first week alone could be split into a systems software course, operating systems course, and a compiler design course.
It's like the calc 2 of computer science. It's really not a hard course if you're not retarded. But so many people take it, especially life sciences people, that it "seems" like a hard course because they have no idea what coding or computer science are.
It's boring as fuck
real schools teach much much more than this in an intro course. CS50 is for brainlets. It's basically designed to be viewed by retarded monkeys at home.
Many schools cover much much much more than that.
Imagine being this guy...
Atleast he's too dumb to realize he should kill himself.
OP or the person you're replying to?