How have you kept yourself anonymous? What efforts have you taken?

How have you kept yourself anonymous? What efforts have you taken?

Attached: Anonymity.jpg (900x600, 19K)

I just use DuckDuckGo.

Not sharing how I do it helps

I leave the name field blank

I've left my house maybe 100 times in 20 years. Nobody knows who I am.

Fake name
Fake address
Old-school email
Never buy things online
Never link accounts together
Always have unique usernames
Never upload pictures or documents to the internet

what email address do you use?




If you ever put a protonmail on a resume, I can assure you that your potential employer will assume you watch child porn lol.

The company that had all 1 billion of their accounts' credentials compromised. Yeah, *real* anonymous.

>different usernames for everything
>tinfoil about:config
>different passwords for everything
>HTTPS, Badger, Umatrix, Ublock, Disconnect,Noscript,Cookie autodelete
>temp mail for most signuos
>exclusive use of Linux and openBSD
>if a site requires anything more than an email account username and password, look for alternatives/consider how much I need to swing up before signing up
>no google anywhere
>no social media other than Matrix/IRC
Too poor to buy a good VPN, its the next step

>to sign up*

What's Matrix?

Can I get employed in the tech/engineering industry without a LinkedIn or a Github?

speak for yourself. My current boss said half of the reason he hired me was because I had ProtonMail. Said it made me look like I knew what I was doing.

No. Good luck. Unless you are well networked and know a lot of people in the industry IRL. But the problem is that at the end of the day, HR is usually going to be the one evaluating you. And in their minds, if someone doesnt have a linkedin its because they're unprofessional and dont give a shit.

Decentralized network

How do you keep your LinkedIn private?

I don't. I get a burner work e-mail and burner phone. Then I set the profile up when I'm looking for work, and delete it when I'm not. That's the best I can do. Luckily the only meatspace information it keeps is my full name. For an address I just use a P.O. box, but I'll never specify it as such because some companies get bitchy when you use one because they think it means you're homeless.


Yes but you probably have to know people, which usually is not found in someone who wears tinfoil hats

>all those addons make you unique

Good point, I forgot to say I use UAControl too

I jack off on chaturbate

>Not compatible with Firefox Quantum

Attached: agony.jpg (599x563, 74K)

there's other UA addons too
Ill dump ESR and jump to nightly for the fuck of it at some point

What about using a cell phone with 4G as a router? That way you aren't tied to an ISP or billing address. I know sim cards give away approximate location based from tower mast distances but its not narrowed down to one house.

Yeah, and if you have Pay As You Go, you can pay the bills in cash. The only problem here would be data caps. You could also get one of those 4g routers relatively cheaply.

my university email uses google services and gmail. help?