Best language for creating Mechas?

Best language for creating Mechas?

Attached: mech mecha giant robot concept art design chain gun machinegun gattling gun design walker carrier sc (1600x900, 426K)

Scheme, of course.


Some compiled language i'd assume. You'd want your processes to be as fast as possible i guess.

Comes with shields built in)))))))


Assembly without a doubt, but not sure which processor architectures are least likely to fail. You know they wrote Rollercoaster Tycoon almost entirely in x86 assembly? They didn't want higher level languages slowing it down on older hardware so they buckled down and wrote it all in x86, kinda wild.

They? Wasn't it just one guy who did it?

They can be a singular reference user.


Chinese for the cost.

> Real time embedded systems


C with inline assembly*


rust, durr

Ivory, of course.

java, it runs on anything



>Best language for creating Mechas?

ASM for the motor/generator systems.
C/++ for sensory, targeting, thermals/temp, lighting, and battery management.

python for weapons systems.
(rockets, laser bursts/volley tweaking/rate of fire ect)



No one.
Go full analogic.

no, it can't

This is literally what I came to post.

Try harder normie


Ah yes, absolutely fucking yourself during development for optimization... great.

You can't create a mecha through programming alone, go learn some engineering kiddo.

Shut the fuck up, I-they worked hard and delivered an amazing product. So you shut the fuck up right now and don't you dare try to discredit their work.