What's the best text editor that has syntax highlighting + auto-completion for multiple different languages (either in stock or through plugins) and supports some sane way of setting up build options so you can compile your programs straight from it?
What's the best text editor that has syntax highlighting + auto-completion for multiple different languages (either in...
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visual studio
forgot to mention that it has to be good
it is good. and you shouldn't be using a laptop
>mixing visual studio up with vs code
you sure are stupid, user
but that's clearly a picture of an issue on VSCode's github tracker
On my win7 pc id doesnt use cpu in idle focused.
Guess there is a reason its called Cuckbook pro
are you retarded or what?
suggested visual studio, while
replied with a screenshot of vs code saying it's shit
Notepad ++ has highlighting and completion for many languages
visual studio is not a text editor, retard
Visual Studio Code
oh i'm sorry, i thought that a program that's specifically build to edit text could edit text, my bad
visual studio is a collection of different tools, an IDE, which also includes a text editor.
text editor != IDE, it would've been mentioned in the OP instead of just "text editor", now fuck off.
Eclipse, netbeans.
jetbrains products too... if ypu count all their products as same product woth different executable for different language.
>supports some sane way of setting up build options so you can compile your programs straight from it?
Not a text editor, fucktard
Sublime text
so notepad++ is not a text editor?
>Notepad++ is a free source code editor
oh sorry, I obviously should've mentioned source code editor
Now that I look at it, VSCode has terminal support, clearly it's not a text ed-
>Visual Studio Code is a streamlined code editor
Clearly if someone is looking for a "text editor" they don't want 20GB of garbage installed on their PC because they won't even use it
>guys what if we wrote a text editor in javascript
>great idea!!!
>asks a question
>posts an image containing one of two possible answers to his own question
nice bait thread
Unironically emacs. Takes a while to fiddle with the diddle (or not, if you don't have a workflow that differs from emacs defaults), but it's pretty comfy and works on linux, unix and win.
For builds you have build tools specific (or not) to your language that you can easily run from emacs and most of them work without fiddling with the diddles (so far only jbuilder didn't work, but you run jbuilder from make so w/e).
how's spacemacs? Any point in using it or is it just better fiddling around by yourself?
>posts an image containing one of two possible answers to his own question
is it ed?
>is it ed?
>specifically built to edit text
It's not.
It's primarily an ide and it includes a text editor
You wouldn't call your browser a text editor because it has online text editors. You wouldn't call your browser a media player because it has YouTube.
We use narrow words for good reason. You don't call butterflies text editors.
When I use an editor, I don't want eight extra KILOBYTES of worthless help screens and cursor positioning code! I just want an EDitor!! Not a “viitor”. Not a “emacsitor”. Those aren't even WORDS!!!!
Ed is for those who can remember what they are working on. If you are an idiot, you should use Emacs. If you are an Emacs, you should not be vi.
Emacs is unironically extremely comfy. The commands are quite easy to learn and you can have add-ons so you don't have to leave emacs to do other stuff
no, start from scratch with emacs.
even if you're coming from vim, try the default key bindings for a while instead of immediately going for evil mode
There are a bunch of step-by-step emacs-config tutorials, just follow one of those up to where you feel your emacs is coming together and just add on top of that. I recommend 'Uncle Dave' on youtube.
Spacemacs is bloated. You should know what's in your config and why it's there. If you need something, you can find a package or even write it yourself. Don't just install everything just because it seems cool or could potentially be useful at some point. If you never use it, it shouldn't be in your config.
Also, use emacs in server mode to minimize startup time. (or just use emacs as your desktop environment)
As others have already said Emacs is unironically the correct answer.
you'll be pretty comfy using sublime text 3
if it can edit text it is a text editor. stop being retarded
I want to like emacs and vim, but i just can't. Sublime & VScode are too comfy. I'll use vim if SSHing somewhere.
Honest question: why do people still recommend notepad++? Inertia?
I don't see a niche: if you want free + powerful go vim/emacs, if you want comfy/beautiful/easy go vscode/sublime/atom. I gave up notepad++ yonks ago when sublime came out and i'm surprised it's still so popular.
you lost the argument and made yourself look retarded already, stop trying to make it even worse
to people who don't care about semantic arguments, you both look petty
Install the Code Runner plugin in VS Code and then you can just r-click on any code file and select run code from the r-click menu. It runs just about every popular language
I don't see the appeal of spacemacs, but sure, try both and see which one fits you better. I like my emacs to not be more bloated than it already is by default and the plugins spacemacs ships with are a bit overkill if you don't even use half of them.
>nfw my Emacs config that I built from scratch feels slower than Spacemacs
Also, why should I try Emacs with the default bindings? I came from Vim, learned the default way of moving through text (C-f, C-b, M-f, M-b, C-n, C-p etc...) to be more comfortable in the minibuffer and move on some modes and panes that (still) don't have Evil support, but other than that I never needed to actually learn the defaults.
*fucking autistic
Windows: Notepad++
MacOS: TextMate 2
Linux: Kwrite or elementaryOS's 'Scratch' editor.
Cross platform: Sublime Text
Text-only server: Vim, emacs, your choice.
I personally keep it around for the search, the user-defined syntax editor, and because it's slightly less bloated than Sublime. It's also good to have a spare text editor around in case you need to separate things.
Notepad++ is native code. Much easier to run than electron bullshit. Sublime is great too, but Notepad++ is open source and free to use. Great for enterprise environments too.
Vim. I'm not kidding.
vim is nice.
Sublime is actually considerably less bloated than I thought it would be. Granted, it still needs a full copy of Python for the extensions but it's a far cry from the "137,824 files, 471 MB" Electron bullshit.
I guess it depends on how used to vim bindings you are.
I came from vim too, installed spacemacs, evil-mode, but then went back to scratch and built up my config with the default bindings and i have to say that I prefer them over vim-style bindings.
I'm not saying that's necessarily superior to vim emulation, but if you want to try emacs, you should try emacs, not evil mode or spacemacs. You can always use that if you really have to but start with the default.
Sublime is very nice. Not trying to say that it's bloat. But Notepad++ is GPL, and Sublime is closed-source and $70 (or it nags you about paying forever).
Yeah, fair point. I use both.
this has autocomplete?
lol when i did lose? you were wrong from the start kid
I never really used Spacemacs, I just tried it out (after using my own Emacs config for about 6 months), but you actually got me really interested in actually becoming effective with Emacs' defaults. I might disable Evil for a while to get used to the default and then decide which one I feel more comfortable with (even though I think I might already know the answer since almost everything I use revolves around vim-style bindings).