>be me
>3 years ago bought a gtx 970
>3 years later 1000 Series is already popular
>Now im stuck with this piece of shit which Im pretty sure is outran by the 1060
Post your GPU and should I upgrade?
Post Your GPU
Do you need an upgrade? I have a 970 and it handles everything I throw at it in 1080p.
Same. OP is a fag.
A 970 should handle 1440p just fine, if you choose medium settings on games like Witcher 3. On normie games, you can probably still max out settings on 1440p.
>pretty sure is outran by the 1060
Only in >3.5GB titles. Or leather jacket man already started to gimp it with drivers. 970 more or less equal to 1060.
>be me
>8 years ago
>bought a prebuilt for 500€
>came with a radeon hd 4650 1 niggabyte
>never upgraded since
I have 650€ saved. Planing on making a rig this summer after a summer job
Honestly don't know was already planning to sell my gpu along time ago when the 1000 series came out. But I get fucked in FPS most of the time I play in 1080p. Maybe I just have a shit setup
You're retarded. The 1060 is and always has been faster than the 970. It's equivalent to a 980, not a 970.
Amd GPU's are good? Never really took them into mind, no offense. Heard some positive reviews about RX series however.
Because 970 shits itslef in half of those games because of 3.5GB, which makes it look worse.
>4 years ago
>bought an r9 290
>at least high settings on AAA titles at 1440p and even can run my racing sims with the oculus at 90+fps steady
I'd like an upgrade but I can hold out a while
Drivers are solid on windows. There are also open source drivers for them on Linux (no such thing for nvidia).
As far as performance, they are outpaced by Nvidia but generally offer the same processing power for less money
R9 280x
How does it compare to modern AMD GPUs?
I've got a GTX680 and it still runs most games fine, just limited by 2GB of Vram
You're utterly delusional. The 970 is slower even in games that use way under 3.5GB VRAM. The Witcher 3 uses ~2GB VRAM at 1080p at the 1060 is still 12% faster. Or fucking WoW, which uses well under 2GB and the 1060 is 15% faster. Both results within a couple of percent of the averaged numbers. And these are numbers from the 1060's launch, so driver gimping isn't an option.
There's nothing worse than some faggot with an old card who can't accept that it doesn't match a newer one because it's just fucking slower, rather than some grand conspiracy. You're essentially trying to claim that there's no performance difference between a 970 and a 980. There always was, even if the price jump didn't justify it.
No SSD and DDR3 ram in single channel, combined with a shit mobo and shit cooling?
I want to do a summer upgrade, but I also want to wait for new Nvidia cards news.
It's suffering.
It doesn't really have an equivalent in AMD's current lineup. It's significantly faster than an RX 560 and significantly slower than an RX 570.
You are wrong you are wrong you are wrong. I don't care.
gtx 770
regret buying this card and building a PC that was expensive as it was at the time
gaming isnt fun anymore
i have now picked up the violin
you boys have fun tho :+)
I bought a 165Hz 1440p monitor but I only have a GTX 1060 6GB.
>falling for the gaymer monitor meme
feels good, man
although I can't mod my own fan profiles into it because it had a cooler transplanted
No SSD only 1 terrabyte 7200 RPM, 1600 MHz 8GB ram stick. Mobo is meh ASRock Z97 as for CPU cooler I have a Hyper 212. I probably should've invested into more Hard drive space, im currently fucked right now, maybe later I might end up buying another terrabyte.
>600 series comes out
>buy a 670
>forward several years to now
>no money for GPU
>still using 670
works well enough to play through all the older games I bought on steam over the years like a retard.
I swear I will get a job soon.... then I will surely finally be able to get some new hardware...
I live in constant fear of shit failing, because I don't have the money to replace anything anymore.
Played the witcher 3 fine at high details and near 60 fps when i was sick last year, so still seems good enough for me.
It's nice but I should have upgraded my GPU first.
Oh well.
tfw I bought this baby for 320€ 3 months ago just before it went out of stock in my country...
We're all gonna make it bro, I've got a 680 and it still plays most things fine including the current Hitman. With the retarded prices theres no incentive to upgrade even if you can afford it.
Got a Vega 64 for $650 in December last year. Feels good man.
I'm still running a 7870
I bought my GTX770 three years ago from a guy who had upgraded to 970
It's stil fine
this, i will upgrade only when i get a 1440p 165Hz monitor any less is a meme and waste of money.
that is the 2500k of GPU's
So, obsolete? Should upgrade?
GTX 760, kek.
the 2500k is far from obsolete, what the hell are you talking about?
this, im stuck on the 960 2gb and play everything i want in 1440p will upgrade to 1070 or 11XX
This reads like a thread in Sup Forums
dude, it's ancient
That's some slow as snails RAM. An SSD also helps a ton and I recommend that you get one for your next built, if only to put your OS on it. The difference is quite noticeable.
if you aim for 60 fps (like 99.9999% of the gamers) then it is more than enough.
Is that an AMD card? Could you explain how their naming system works to me? I don't get it like I do with the gtx cards.
was a8 7600 apu
added the gtx 1050 year ago
6950 here. Replacing with an RX 580 soon. I'm hoping there's a noticeable difference.
I RMA'd a 780 to my local store towards the end of the 2 year warranty period and they bumped me up to pic related for free
They are good, for sure. Also, as another user said, AMD on Linux is very stable and has great support. The drivers on Linux are pretty good and you get good performance out of it, near that of Window's Crimson drivers.
I'm buying AMD just because I'll be dual booting Linux and the RX 580 is pretty much a GTX 1060, but with more VRAM and slightly better in some games.
this is the generation
this is the model the higher the number the better
this are old though, the newer ones follow the RX5xx naming scheme where RX580 is the most powerful and i think RX550 or something are the weakest. There is also the high end Vega cards with only two models Vega 56 and Vega 64 with Vega 64 being the most powerful AMD card in the market right now.
Gtx 660 here boiis
I want to upgrade to 1440p/144Hz shit, so my 6yo GPU isn't enough. It was good enough for a long time already.
Ah. I see.
>be me
>bought a 7970 7 years ago
>Still feel no need to upgrade until I move to 1440p or 4k HDR high refresh rate, but no truly great monitors are for sale.
>Bought a shitty Nvidia GPU a few years ago
>already feel the need to upgrade
How do you guys end up in this cycle? I don't see people with AMD GPUs feeling the same unless they got like a cheap 260 knowing they'll need to upgrade sooner rather than later.
7970 is the best consumer GPU ever made relative to the time it was released, but Tonga, Tahiti, and Polaris since were just been relative minor upgrades for 5 years running.
Between 560 and 570.
He's right, though. Even when games use under 3.5GB VRAM, the 970 is still pretty slow relative to the cost and time it came out. It's compute performance is around that of a 7970 despite coming out much later, and games heavily use compute for more complex shaders now days.