>keep it one hunned
>keep it one hunned
This is literally family SUV car commercial music
holy shit this is spot on
massively mediocre desu
Why is this bad again?
>sounds from the video over the music
oh god
I guess Sup Forums has something against electro swing.
>songtitle is a celebrity name
Welcome to pleb city
damn i'm already tired of the sample
just ok
Wow it really is bad...hype gone desu
You're all plebs, this is great
>Not liking MF DOOM and Danny Brown
Family car commercial about getting pulled over drunk, sure.
Fuck you all I love it CUNT.
>Why does this not sound exactly the same as tracks released from an album 15 years ago
>listening to Avalanches
>Sound of Music starts playing
I just realize i can't even rememeber when was the last time i saw an entire music video entirely. Everything is shit, kill me
>enjoying two of Danny Brown's absolute worst verses
>Danny Brown and MF DOOM
oh boy, every white teenager's favorite rappers!
ugh. this is garbage. the sampling and the beat sound basic as fuck, absolutely nothing like ANYTHING on SILY. it's pretty clear they're just gonna half-ass it and toss in a bunch of features from trendy rappers/singers to appeal to millenials. I was 20 when SILY dropped, this is just embarrassing.
Oh wow. And I thought I could never be as disappointed as I was when I heard Get Lucky for the first time
>oh boy, every white teenager's favorite rappers!
literally no
>I was 20 when SILY dropped, this is just embarrassing.
no but did you hear what the 16 year olds are saying they say it's so great and hype lived up to it
surely they know more about music than a person who actually followed them for 16 years
RAM turned out pretty good, Motherboard is hands down the best thing they've done.
It sounds like an awful soundcloud elctro-swing bedroom project.
Since I left you was garbage, this was 1000x better.
>muh plunderphonics
>muh samples
Yep, its pretty terrible. If it didn't have the Avalanches name attached nobody would like it.
but I still think the rest of the album will be excellent. Subways sounds good and the album structure looks similar to Since I Left You.
what the fuck
i knew it probably wouldn't live up to the hype but didn't think it'd be complete trash
*holds up spork*
Marcel's complaining about 16 years when he was in fucking diapers when SILY came out
span between these two albums almost covers this lil nigga's whole lifetime
holy fuck