"this is a real song that's actually being released in 2016" edition
"this is a real song that's actually being released in 2016" edition
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this sounds like something that would be played on my local rock station lol
not as good as this
digging the vhs aesthetic
one of my favourites
this is my jam atm senpai
this is so fucking bad, five finger death punch tier
pretty neat thanks
Robb Flynn should be shot.
>"Ashamed of the racists I used to call brothers"
Robb Flynn is the biggest bitch in metal overall
will they bounce back to their former glory, Sup Forums?
colours was just a unique album at the time of it's release, songwriting-wise they've been getting better with each album, I don't like them at all though
They've always been horrible
TSC-TGM is goat, everyone knows this
>Ants of the Sky
You're joking, right?
what great artwork
No they're not
Colors has been one of the most damaging progressive rock/metal albums ever released and everything before that was mathcore leaning trash, BTBAM have never written anything interesting in their life and it's so obvious when you listen to their newest album to see how spastic and gimmicky songwriting was the only thing they had going for them.
>shitty nu metal papa roach tier song about how rasisism is bad
Wanna get into Neurosis but idk what album to stat with, any recs?
>Robb "Jennifer Lawrence is an American hero" Flynn
why was nu-metal not influential at all despite being bigger than deathcore or djent? and yet deathcore just doesn't seem to die
Try the boring one
not trolling here, ofcourse the lyrics were cringe in nu-metal, but the instrumentals were pretty dank, it's best to just ignore the singer
there's less of a hangover from nu-metal because nu-metal has a hard time hiding itself in other genres, whereas deathcore and djent frequently masquerade as brutal death or proge respectively
Robb should have just killed himself after maing this album
korn had an interesting first couple of albums just in terms of creativity.. whatever happened afterwards is a shame
i'll agree that their new shit is terrible but they were one of the most interesting metal bands of all time for a stretch in the 00's. they could do no wrong imo
This was their last masterpiece though
Any good black metal come out this year?
Been looking for something new
numetal was more willing to adapt to different sounds and experiment and become radio friendly.
Any metal with RAGAHAGGRHYGRKGAGTRHBRAGB screamy noises isnt going to get on the radio.
Hair metal was big too because it was more normie friendly.
Id say if you want metal to get big again combine it with EDM
listen to Through Silver in Blood, then Times of Grace
If you prefer TSIB, listen to Enemy of the Sun and Souls At Zero. If you prefer ToG, listen to A Sun That Never Sets and The Eye of Every Storm. Regardless of what you think, don't bother posting about them here again unless you want shitposting and memes.
What did he mean by this?
aaaaaaaand done
and with the most generic radio pop vocals too
why has it occurred that the biggest mainstream breakthrough in recent years for metal is a combination of very polished modern metal and j-pop, in babymetal?
>Wanna get into Neurosis
now this is a jewish plot if I've ever seen one
>unless you want shitposting and memes
how come?
man that sucks the last 3 albums were great especially The Blackening
Krater - Urere
Uada - Devoid of light
Man, this song and video are fucking funny
Rob Flynn is such a fucking waste of air. Jumped on the thrash bandwagon, jumped on the groove bandwagon, jumped on the nu-metal bandwagon, jumped on the metalcore bandwagon.
You are only gonna get meme replies, start with Sun that never sets and go backwards if you want more raw stuff and forwards if more post-rock
jumped on the djent bandwagon
I'm ashamed to admit this doesn't sound bad
playing witcher now desu
geralt would love the voice of steel
babymetal are novelty act only japan could make.
In america all pop music is related to niggers so pop music is urban influenced while japan is crazy and willing to fuse metal with pop.
Its actually a good idea, a female girl band influenced by metal, like if the spice girls where metal.
This would never happen in the west because the jews want people to worship nig music
jumped on thrash revival bandwagon too
Pretty much.
Seeing as how rock hardly penetrates the mainstream now, I don't see metal getting true mainstream recognition anytime too
that was a pretty good album I really liked Eyes of the Dead.
*anytime soon
besides shit boyband/metalcore groups.
>Its actually a good idea, a female girl band influenced by metal, like if the spice girls where metal.
How is that a good idea beyond being profitable?
has any single figure been more damaging to the metal community than UltraBoris?
but they're so hot Cx
well personally i think they are harmless, they are just jap girls singing metal music, they are novelty act, its interesting but it wont change anything.
Anyone butthurt by them just needs to relax and not give a shit.
How was he damaging?
so what, metal is better when its less mainstream.
If alt-right and overall redpilling spreads even more, will metal become alpha again? also the redpill is spreading so fast across the world it's giving me a boner
if you're asking these questions, chances are your entire taste was indirectly shaped by him desu
>tfw you used to think Machine Head were better than Pantera
All groove metal is shit, it's bastardized thrash metal
Not an argument
saying you listen to visual kei is like saying you listen to corpse paint.
not everyone got into meal after the archives were around m80
Last thread someone asked what music we listened to when we were teenagers, when do you stop being a teenager? 20?
This is literally Pantera with synths
do you not?
>he doesn't listen to droned out recordings of the sound a brush makes when black metal musicians getting their faces painted on
>he doesn't listen to droned out recordings of the sound colored VK hair makes when it flies around wildly from headbanging
top plebeian.
i fucking hate machine head
Fear Factory, one of the leading bands of death-metal and one of the most experimental in adopting elements of industrial music, were formed in Los Angeles in 1990 by vocalist Burton Bell, percussionist Raymond Herrera, and guitarist Dino Cazares. The bleak soundscapes of Soul of a New Machine (Roadrunner, 1992) constitute the perfect manifesto for the cyberpunk generation. Thrashing, grinding beats often stop to let pure fear take over the nervous system. Songs evolve rather than just erupt. Fear Factory's horror goes beyond the physical and sounds therefore more radical. There is more to Fear Factory's hell than the cannibal growl of Leechmaster and Lifeblind. The cingulate charge of Scapegoat boasts a psychedelic melody that could be from the mid-1960s. Martyr (epic guitar spinning a monk's hymn) and Self Immolation (a seismic stop-and-go voodoobilly) are sermons drenched in pain, while Scumgrief, one of the most elaborate tracks, is a grand vision of incipient apocalypse. There is true, unrelenting desperation behind these bombshells.
Often, Bell's vocal transformations steal the show: Crisis is basically a duet between an angel and a monster, both played by the same actor.
Fuck off hipster
>posting cuckcore
No i agree
I would like to see a really good rock band enter the mainstream again, but metal can stay where it is, popularity wise
varg said metal was ruined a long time ago now its filled with faggots with Samoan tribal tattos.
and thats why he makes weird ambient folk music now
He likes incantation
This, the less normies the better.
Holy shit, he's not even trying to have dignity anymore.
do you have any reasoning for this or are you just trying to sound like you know something
pretty gud
well someone's gotta make better music than these cascadian betacuck black-metallers
I save photos of alpha looking metal bands
You call that alpha?
how did he set a statue of stone on fire?
post alphas
>Machine Head returning to their glory days of The Burning Red
I guess it's safe to say the nu wave of nu metal is in full swing now. Good.
Technically yes, but when you're 18/19 and still refer to yourself as a teenager it's quite stupid.
the new wave of shit-ish heavy metal
Souls at Zero was my first metal record, was the first album to get me into metal properly. But for what they do best, listen to Silver in Blood
me on the left
i'm amazed metal archives allows metallica on their website
>not being able to seperate artist from their work
So you can only enjoy bands that share your bullshit views on race and women?
>tfw you have to come up with a metal nickname but only know boris and sun o