/daily/ - Daily meme discussion

It's dat boi.

Listen to your library, show off your backlog, babble about new music, tell us what you have been listening to today and what you will listen to in the following month, just let the good times flow.

>resurrected, but [not] ((not)) working (!)(?)

>fifth dimension for space-time memery (aka "music") ever since plug deejay was musically aborted

>Site with templates, OP covers, archive, & random stuff

Most importantly, o shit waddup!

Previously on /daily/:

Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=flac eac

B o y s

first for idk



i'd love to eat a croissant on the Croisette


repostang for those interested

>Surface Noise - Molded (2010) [320 kb/s mp3]
>mixed bag, indie pop with psych tinges, out of tune vocals with a dutch accent-core

I'm going to go watch In the Mood for Love then sleep angrily because the capitalists fucked me over.

What are you gonna do today/tonight, /daily/?

drink myself to blackout probably

studying for my second to last exam, listening to Orb's Adventures Beyond the Ultrabore

Work (which is good for the soul)
Probably do tourney listening

Listen to some more Aube, I think. Play some Diablo 2, even though I probably should be studying.

either have a drink with housemates or watch Twin Peaks and pass out early since I didn't get any sleep last night

what do i listen to


hard mode no musical abortions or snuff jazz

Good kino, enjoy. Me I might watch a film myself vut I probably won't.

Oh no :<

>Work (which is good for the soul)
Your false consciousness is showing

Zs - New Slaves

Why is there nobody shitposting in the old thread? I'm in the mood for some really shitty posts.

Corea - Los peores 7 km de mi vida
>Oh no :

2hard4me (B^) )


Nobody's stopping you bruh

>mfw payday

hm. the new avalanches track is shit.

Good evening, you living memes.
Went to thrift store. Found some neat stuff I know, ome neat stuff I didn't knew I knew and some stuff that I don't know at all.
But for the purpose of the thrift tournament, we'll have to pick between
>The Energizer's Distance to Happy Trance
>Main - a big grey box with 6 CDs in it and that's actually worth a couple tens on discogs so even if it's not good it will repay the 10 bucks I spent for everything
and the one that doesn't count
>Funky Tramway, which I didn't knew I knew since Janko Nilovic, who made it and whom I know, isn't directly credited on the front or back

also two other cool CDs. I used to have that Little Prince audiobook when I was a kid and we lost it one of the times we moved. Gad I found it.

Still, I'm not sure if I should go for 6 CDs in a box or some trance which I know has very little chance of being good.

Something something proletariat.


Woolly Leaves - Quiet Waters

Forest for the Trees - s/t

Flophouse - s/t

>Moregwessor Movenglut
How Do I - Pluto

Surface Noise - Molded

>∆3 Triangle Cubed
Lou Rawls - You've Made Me So Very Happy
(link inbound)

Albert Ayler - Love Cry
(new CD from garage/store?)
(feel free to bully for not knowing the holy ghost of free jazz)

“I will (post) as soon as my laptop starts picking up signal again”
(1 prayer = 1 signal wave)

Various – Radio Myanmar (Burma)
(still need link)

>comet on a bus
Strangers Die Every Day - Aperture for Departure
(link tonight or tomorrow)

Oletrhio Rigma - Fight for the Innocent
(“link friday I think”)

“ill get and up mine tomorrow (thurs(today))”

“I'll try and get some shitty 80s compilation”

~~~~~~~Official Bully List™~~~~~~~

(where you at homeboi)

(started a new job and is ""tired"")

“I think I'm out” (you can STILL submit next thurs if you want)

Cute pigger :)


6 CDs are a bit much, I think. I vore Energizer.

Paused ITMFL to see what was going on

Harsh insult
>Work (which is good for the soul)
Hahah fucking nerd
Boy you really like Aube. Why don't you study while listening to him?
Literally anything > socialization
I'm liking it so far. The cheating action is just about to start I think.
>I'm not even on the bully list anymore
Is this good or bad?

Literally anything > crippling loneliness


don't listen to him senpai

I removed you because you were sad you couldn't participate, and it wasn't really your fault

I can put you back on if you want

>Chippendale / Gustafsonn / Pupillo - Melt

Well, call me dumb but I find this thing wonderful.




kiddo where have u been : (



I should've expected it desu

i've been p social since it's summer
ill join skype soon

Well, call me dumb (cunt)

no fuck you

I don't really feel like studying at all, honestly. I studiet pretty hard during the semester.

>King Crimson - Beat
I really like Discipline, but this is an even worse Talking Heads rip-off. Some songs here are just worse versions of others, like Neurotica being a worse version of Frame By Frame. It's very technical, but only kind of interesting.

>Disco Inferno - The 5 EPs
Damn good comp. This imo is much better and more diverse than DI Go Pop. I felt it was much more forward thinking and came from so many different backgrounds it was impossible not to love.

>Mount Eerie - Lost Wisdom
First couple tracks made me excited for the rest of the album, but the other 20 minutes of this album were pretty unsatisfying. Phil can write short, satisfying songs, but there are very few shorter tracks here with anything of substance.

>Hamilton Cast Recording
As someone who's spent a lot of time with theater, this really was just unsatisfying as all hell. Some musicals are just weak spots for me, honestly. I love even shitty musical soundtracks like the South Park Movie one. This one waaaaaay too long, though. Out of the almost 50 song track list there was maybe five okay tracks? The fusion of hip hop and show tunes is pretty cringey and I didn't really enjoy this much at all.

>Pale Cocoon - 黄金時代 (Golden Age)
Not as jarring and unsettling as their other stuff, but has that fantastic ethereal feeling I love. Much too short to hold atmosphere for too long imo, but a satisfying listen nonetheless.

>Pale Cocoon - 青空の実験室 (Laboratory Under the Blue Sky) / Secret Sounds
Now THIS is some shit I could get into. Less dream poppy than the other EP, and focuses more on atmosphere and ethereal wave-y ness (?) which has a tremendous payoff.

I should probably listen to the other stuff released by Pafe Records for my next chart. That'd be fun.

Ween "others"

>Erica Peterson's Flaming Crib Death
An absolute disaster. Objectively terrible in a really intriguing way that always kept me loving "GodWeenSatan". Not as "middle school-y" as I'd expect and actually a lot of fun. Not so much that I can't except how terrible it is, though.

>The Crucial Squeegie Lip
The real fuckness. Just terrible and not even in a fun way. Some songs like "You Fucked Up" are just worse versions of songs that would later be recorded actually well. All of the spoken word tracks aren't really funny at all, and weren't even clear enough or not drowned out with shitty-sounding effects that it didn't even because tangible or enjoyable in any way. Fuck off.

I can already tell I'm not gonna be enjoying these 20+ minute tracks with no substance very much at all, but there's some really interesting stuff on this collection. Some of the most unique shit I've ever heard from the Lowercase/Onkyo/EAI scene in ever.

~10 minutes of silence isn't as engaging as some may think, and honestly is the most distracting thing ever that totally kills any song's atmosphere. Hope there's little more of that.

heeerb, your turn with listenalong this week

do you have the template

nvm got it

Opened a random album, started listening to Orang-Utan's s/t. It's very similar to Led Zep. And it's as boring as them. I'm halfway through and I want to stop listening to this since the first track.

Btw this is terribly tagged on RYM. This is straight up hard "blues" rock, not heavy psych.

heyo, figured out the correct name of my thing
ΟΛΕΘΡΙΟ ΡΗΓΜΑ - Πολέμησε Για Τους Αθώους
it's on youtube
and here's a link:

That ok?
If not I'll zippy tomorrow

gave up on this shitty record and started listening to Opeth's Blackwater Park because I never listened to Opeth and there's someone here who likes this record a lot

pls upload

at least 2 of us actually, given you were talking about Gauss

oh, that's not much
will upload then
make that three

Chantal Goya - Masculin-féminin (1966)
>chanson, yé-yé, 12-minutes-core


oh wew, this was fast
looks neat
short lenght is a good idea, I planned to choose something shorter for my turn too

make that three again

>DL link right there
thank the sweet god of spoonfeeding, I'm participating in this listenalong

Have you guys ever instantly rated an album 10/10? What was it?
Usually the highest rating I give is a 7/8 and then raise it as I listen to it more. But I feel like I'm super picky with 9s and 10s, moreso than others.

9 is the highest I ever give on a first listen, and that usually means I want to listen to it again immediately after.
10's are always built up to from 9 --> 9.5 --> 10 for me on further listens

U2 by Negativland

Oh shit, it's untagged
Oh well, future-me has to deal with this

: (
Didn't really expect you to like it anyways



sync > plug

Honestly from listen to listen I change my mind about a lot of albums so I just stopped rating things. Either I like something and it will end up in relisten rotation or I'll try it once or twice and not revisit it.

>trying to rip that crappy trance CD for the thrit tourney
>can't remember how to get it to make .flac files from EAC
>rip the whole thing in .wav
>over 700k mo
worst part is, I did get it to spit some flac a couple monthes ago
send help before I accidentally something

it's shit

started listening to the listenalong

and I thought you would finally get some sort of taste...
never change, Benji

Thanks for not bullying me. It really does suck though that my area is not very good for buying music. Maybe I should start a new thrift tourney if I go out of the country :^)
I've listened to Les Annees 60 and I believe that has every track from this. Should I still patricipate?
Various times because I'm not picky. I don't really believe in 10s though.

lmao what made you think that?


you can call me a pleb for a lot of things, but this is the opposite of one of them. Half the album was absolute shitty """"""prog""""""" acoustic moments with the cheesiest vocalist I've heard. The vocalist that performed during the death metal moments wasn't half bad.

Alright. Will do in sync though because memes.

Hey, what's some good melanholic/sad but commercial and normie music? I need it for a school project

I've watched some bad films, but this really is something else. I think it might be the worst I've seen since I watched Dracula Untold, if not even topping out that one. There's almost nothing at all to make you sympathize with the protagonists, even though the antagonist is sort of a bitch but not really until the end. Everything in the plot is just a meaningless farce to segue between different battle scenes that in themselves also make little sense and matter very little to the overall plot. It doesn't help that the battle scenes themselves have awful choreography, the actors are really terrible throughout, and it's all really bad CGI. And of course, the whole journey was basically meaningless as well, as revealed in the end. "The true power was within me the whole time I just needed to figure it out" is such an annoying trope. Also they played Islamic music which doesn't belong in a film played out in ancient Egypt.

Also watched Zootopia the other day and it was pretty alright. I laughed out loud at some scenes.

This is really the worst meme.

I don't know honestly, won't make that mistake again
>actually taking the pleb/patrician dichotomy serious

but yeah, I get why someone wouldn't like Opeth, Sup Forums isn't into prog metal very much
Sound of Silence ?

>denying the history of black muslims in ancient Egypt
that's very acist of you, hampy
these people were kings

Looks like no one cares. That description makes me want to watch Gods of Egypt again rather than listening to the music.

Whatever makes you stop snapping pics of a fucking bunny in the middle of the night.

Souvlaki, if I'd had a RYM back then.
Otokotachi no Wakare, but that rating has sunk to an 8 over time.
Recently, Uneven Compromise which I hope will actually hold up.
frig off you nut
it's one singer lmao
Wonderwall :^)

Shame about the choreography, probably could've made it fun

I'm here to remedy this.

it was more as to make sure Jangle saw it


Holy shit Windows can delete previous versions now, I can free up 11GB of wasted space on my SSD. This is amazing.

Nice review. I've never read a better analysis of music in my life.

>middle of the night
my bunny is qt dont meme it

>implying I ever took it serisouly
why do you like it? do you enjoy the type of moments I mentioned?

>it's one singer lmao
uh. well he can change pretty convincingly from a shitty cheesy voice to a good enough death metal one

>I've never read a better analysis of music in my life.
no one said it was one.

Anyone who does this is retarded and doesn't actually listen to the music, and are just amazed by the glitter and gold on first hearing something.

>Nice review. I've never read a better analysis of music in my life.
That was obviously more of a reaction than an attempt at a review,
but, whatever, you seem to be seaking some "discussion" again

lmgtfy.com/?q=flac eac

Also the obvious "Hey, hey, look, look at this thing you might recognize from Egyptian mythology! Isn't it cool that you might recognize it?!" sucks my balls.

Yeah it's not like Islam was founded in the 600s or anything.

Remove me from your snap please.

Nah the terrible effects, horrendous plot, disastrous cinematography and awful acting would've made sure it was shit anyway.


>why do you like it?
I enjoy the mix of melodic passages and death metal moments
and both of these work quite well on there own, the songs evolve and develop alot instrumentally.
It's cool to see a metal album being so slowed down and athmospheric while still having that heavy result
fuck, I suck at describing stuff I haven't heard for a while, so forgive me if this sounds like shit
>do you enjoy the type of moments I mentioned?
the vocals, yeah
I agree that his death metal type voice is more interesting, but I enjoy the cheesy one too
and the """""prog""""" instrumentation is also cool
>doesn't move

islam is litterally the first religion
go read a book hampus
if you know how to read that is