>mom walked in while you were masturbating
music for this feeling?
>mom walked in while you were masturbating
music for this feeling?
why didn't you ask her to finish for you
because doing so would be indicative of an incestuous relationship which is undesired and forbidden in general if social norms are to be brought into the equation
in other words, the action would be outside of that considered appropriate for a relationship between mother and son, contrary to evolution in which the son finds another mate and furthers the gene pool, not repeating it by inseminating his own origin
>lives with his mother
i was listening to Cop Shoot Cop the single time my mother walked in on me post-masturbation and my dick was still out, so go with them
MUMMY! MUMMY! could you bring me some tea mummy dear? oh thank u dear you are a doll. OH MUMMY!!
nigga u a bitchboi
sounds like she's just fat
watch some hentai bro
do it fgt
dumb frogposter
that's not an argument
Ty Segall - Baby Big Man (I Want a Mommy)
jesus christ man, hope you never are with a girl, and she says she doesn't "desire" sex, and you say, "that's not an argument".....jesus christ
something undesired is justified in itself
here u go user
>Don walked outside
Music for feel?
Blister in the Sun
fucking rookie
*Don stepped outside
Simple Plan Untitled
>poor guy never even had a girlfriend and will end his life masturbating in the basement