You kids and your computer crap music. REAL music is played on a guitar, not on soulless machine

>you kids and your computer crap music. REAL music is played on a guitar, not on soulless machine.

What is *the* one album/artist you would use to prove such a pleb wrong?

Other urls found in this thread:

But he's right OP

Richard D James album
The Man-Machine

I probably just ignore them because they most likely won't budge from their stance unless they go out looking for other music themselves.

He's right though, kid.

Gary..., numahhnnn

He's right. A DAW or a synth Will not provide you the same experience of a guitar. Pianos, drums and keyboards have no place in the real music industry like guitars do. You're just being a try-hard for the sake of being different...

>A DAW or a synth Will not provide you the same experience of a guitar
I'm pretty sure people using those things aren't trying to provide the same experience as a guitar.

Pleasure Principle and Telekon are legit great albums


These are the underage that post shit like this Hes actually right.

shut the fuck up nerds


All that bleep bloop and video games has rotted his brain

>"It's just pushing buttons"
>it's just plucking strings
>its just pressing keys
>its just blowing air into a tube
>it's just hitting a stick to a surface

Would a guitar player be worse at fingering women than a keyboard one?


sorry, heard it before

show him some nu metal

let that pleb argue that's better than the shitiest electronic

computers cannot display emotion. if you actually played an instrument youx understand but like all other anti instrument fags you cant but for some strange reason think you know shit

Kraftwerk - Die Mensch-Maschine

>computers cannot display emotion
the brain is a fucking computer

I guarantee you that if a computer generated piano music you wouldn't even be capable of telling the difference, stfu

Kraftwerk was 70s so legoodtimes men can dig them

>computers cannot display emotion


yeah because you literally press "MAEK MUSIK" in your DAW, its not like you still have to program and arrange the music in it, and in 99% of genres you literally have to program it in such a way that there is swing/movement and not robotic quantizations....

>I know I know, replying to b8.....

you can't even reply to people properly. Go back to r/lewronggeneration underagecancer. They really are never going to be as effective or profound as an actual instrument. Though I understand a talentless kanye hack fan that cant play anything wouldn't understand. Either way. Fuck off back to your shitty board

Thanks Gene Simmons

I agree if you are on a small jazz concert at your local bar. When you're listening to a mastered, perfectly played song that you have on a CD, then what is the difference if an artist played it himself or used pre-recorded sample?

oh haha wow, you input certain shit and the computer digitally and flawlessly churned it out. How emotional! talentless hacks shouldn't be allowed on this board

People here are b8ing really hard

So here we have the liberal schlick of getting triggered. Pointing out you're triggered doesn't work anymore so now you people just hide behind irony thinking it will dismiss any opposing points.

I would start to tell him that basically computer music is basically like music based on synthesizer and sampler/tape machines, which are generally not considered by baby-boomers to be "soulless machines".

As a distinguished Frenchmen of good taste, I would tell him to listen to the aural delicacies produced by the GRM with the great minds of Xenakis, Bernard Parmegiani and François Bayle, as an example of the prototypical refined sounds you can achieve if you push the understanding of this technology far enough.

And then I would tell him that the young people of this generation, who release their pieces on the Mego record label and hang around the Cafe Oto in London, are still seeking their voices in the realm of the multitude of alternate universes expressible within this medium.

Op here;
Personally i'd go with portishead. I could bang Beth Gibbons for her voice anyday.

>you input certain shit

you mean, like in every other every instrument out there?

>the computer digitally and flawlessly churned it out

nope, whatever you lack in the music dept., the computer will only amplify

I know right, but on the other hand, I have legitimately encountered people like that IRL

>be me, amateur "electronic music" producer
>putting together a live show for a friend's dance performance
>mix of live instruments+synth/sequencing (no computer)
>spend months working on the sound design/sequencing/triggering, then the live parts, then the live vocals etc
>my boss heard about it
>"It's not real music because its a machine"
>tell him is just an instrument like any other
>"nah its not real, like a guitar is"
>try and explain how hard was to design the melodies, the sound itself, arranging everything, etc
>says the guy who plays "BABY BABY I MISS U SO MUCH" 2 chord guitar songs and can't even play live without his instructor on the rhythm guitar

old people think DAWs work like this

>All these talentless poseur artists that have zero artistic merit to anyone that actually knows music theory

Why do le computers r emotional muzak underage kids always literally expose themselves are tryhard poseurs with zero knowledge?

To be fair, there are tons of people who when playing "live" do just press a button and play whatever they made and people think this is how it works in the studio too. It would help people get over the "computers aren't real instruments" (or synths or whatever else) if a lot of othe mainstream dance artists didn't just play prerecorded music at their shows.

No, not really. Not at all actually. You input shit and it comes out without you having any effect over its physical sound alteration. And yeah it comes out flawlessly to whatever you put in

You underage fags will the end of creativity, the electronic artists worth a damn are 1/10 billion compared to the rest of shitty boring bleeps with no emotional or artistic merit behind it

you sure le triggurd that liberal

You know that with analog synths the person playing the synth has full control over the waveform of the music right? I'm not quite sure how digital synths differ from this but it's no more "press button get sound" than a guitar is "pluck string get sound".

whether or not you are baiting is irrelevant, you're a stupid faggot either way

Brian Eno maybe

>mainstream dance artists

key word there. electronic artists do play entire live shows all the time. well not EVERYTHING is live, but then, comparing a rawk show to a bleeps show is retarded. rawk is (loosely) about how tight the band plays, the musician's ability to play their instruments, etc, bleeps/electronic music, its all about sound design / mixing / improvisation. I mean, it would be retarded for a producer doing a live show to physically play a sequence on the keybiard instead of simpling triggering the loop/sequence and then he can focus on playing with the sound and whatever else. if we were to follow the same way rawk shows are, there'b be a guy non stop banging pads on a drum machine, another guy on the bass synth, another on the lead, another on the counter lead synth etc etc retarded and expensive

that's what I tried to explain to my boss and he just didn't get it. and he isn't the only one

Again, no not really. They input the music and the computer churns it out. Itll come out the same every single time and will remain robotic and unaffected by the musicians current mood or feelings. Objectivism is not emotional you dumb fuck

Haha anyone that doesnt turn a blind eye to logic to be progressive and smart like me is dumb by default oh wow

And neither can a guitar, or piano, or trumpet. They're all inanimate objects,you dip

>"Itll come out the same every single time and will remain robotic and unaffected by the musicians current mood or feelings"
>what is aftertouch

apply yourself b8man

Objects that habe infinite levels of subtle alterations to the sound even after the music itself is written.

Electronic will never have this.

This is wrong.

After touch is still part of the original creation process. Sorry

this is true

>"infinite levels of subtle alterations"
>what is VCO drifting
>what is analog synthesis

but its processed by the "computer", you gigantic retard

You dipshit.

You can't argue with idiots like that OP just ignore them.


>Computer chosen random number input

See above

aftertouch is not a "random number" though, mr b8

actually anything that is "unscripted" in a computer is either a 0 or a 1 every time

anybody who uses the word logic is a fool who doesn't actually understand what they're talking about

keep baiting though le meme man


wew lad

this is you

what a surprise that the calculated bleeps can be emotional too >:( faggot Is an underage redditor

Thanks for exposing yourself in reason to dismiss you

again, this is poor b8. the 0 and 1 are simply what the computer translates from my own input, which will vary from keystroke to keystroke

1/10 apply yourself

Probably Fetch by Melt-Bananna. Blew my fucking mind when I found out there was no drummer.

What do you mean by "unscripted" ? It's always zeros and ones.
But when you use for example 24 of those 0 and 1 to yield 16777215 possibles values of voltage 44100 times in a second, you can generates some good sounding shit with a computer, and that will be rarely corrupted unlike analog stuff which is sensible to physical shit (e.g. temperatures, method of playback).


Ask them to stop living under a rock.

Don't bother trying to prove someone's tastes wrong, you'll look like an idiot.

>implying recording and manipulating sounds that don't come from instruments, wasn't done before computers

I did this thing drawing notes in Cubase and changing the velocity with the mouse. It's more emotional than like 90% of the Rock I've heard.

Ultravox - Rage in Eden


using this logic, might as well dismiss oranges because they taste different than steak

Only Black keys + A and D

You're cured now, thank me later

Go on you can play piano now

The only thing a pleb like this would enjoy, Tame Impala



attack and destroy

I don't this meme.

Computers can, however, emulate whatever their owners tell them to quite accurately. Computers are only vessels into which you pour your mind; that's kind of what computer programming is. Take your thoughts, pull them out of your brain, shove them into a computer, let others experience your thoughts via the computer. Same goes for electronic music. It's not that the computer needs to have any sort of attitude on its own, but rather what you put into it that allows you to really open yourself up in an authentic, organic way and let others experience it.
Or, you could use it to make dumb pop music.
It all depends on how you use it. It's a neutral medium. Just like a guitar.


lol the difference between how you two respond to the same thing is hilarious

Lorn, Aphex Twin


This and Burial


>band has no drummer



All of these:
>any Flume album
>any Bonobo album
>Jungle's album Jungle (seriously fucking listen to this)

Alt-J? i actually have no idea how any of those bands above make their fucking music
also Burial and Aphex Twin and I'm sure I'm missing something

Piano players usually have longer fingers

this lmao

>all these le wrong generation faggots
lmao this is fucking sad Sup Forums, i didn't know i was on fucking facebook

>There are retards on this board RIGHT NOW that still think electronic music isn't real music because "MUH COMPUTERS"

take your meds, grandma.

Eat shit, Sup Forumscore-fags.


If electronic music is soulless then why do I cry myself to sleep while listening to pic related lmaooooo
