Post your AOTY so far

Post your AOTY so far

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Not even memeing

Why, Blackstar of course!
Did you guys know he died? That's right, known rock star David Bowie is dead, and he did an album first, so that is my personal choice for album of the year.

you suck at jokes unironically

I've listened to this twice. Can't really get into it.

limeade by ehiorobo


Not sure why I haven't seen it posted here much


a house album for AOTY?

are u serious? lol

Sure, why not. It wasn't really house though it was more jungle/breaks with some house and ambient sprinkled in

this but with the album you posted







this right here for sure



spooky m8


it's a shame, i have hated every bowie album since Scary Monsters with the moderate exception of Earthling and Heathen, and when I heard this I thought "holy shit this is actually AOTY"
Then less than twenty four hours later he passes away and now you know it's gonna get that sort of recognition and people will discount it as being solely due to his untimely death.

One of the few albums this year I actually enjoyed, alongside

(little bit)

One of these. Probably DG

Album of the decade

These and pic related

excited to hear this one, i enjoy pretty much everything Lone puts out


These and pic related are pretty much the only albums that I liked this year. Very disappointing so far, even compared to the previous years which haven't been too great with the exception of 2015 which was fucking amazing IMO.

Has there even been a single good shoegaze release in 2016?

Sunflower Bean's debut was decent



Step aside, album of the century coming through


Not trying to be mean, but I hated this, despite liking some of his earlier work. What about it appealed to you? (Genuine question, not trying to be a dick)

Been out less than a day, but I'm already hooked more than anything else I've heard this year.



I honestly got pretty bored with this. Some good moments, but it was just bland after a while. I wish it wasn't marketed as a Radiohead album. It should've just been a straight up Thom electronica album or a straight up Johnny composition album.

This was shockingly boring.

Jesu/Sun Kil Moon

at least listen to this song, its a classic sun kil moon sounding one

Still the correct answer. He'll never get the credit he deserves here, but this is fucking brilliant.

2016 man, real great

>Not even memeing
I thought it was accepted that people actually loved this. I know it was discussed a lot, but did it actually become a meme?

this should have been AOTY far and away, but the vocals are mixed too quietly on a lot of it

You owe it to yourself to listen to this thing. other than AMSP there's nothing else that deserves to be considered in the AOTY convo

this and pic related are all aoty contenders

This is mine as well.

Really digging these. Anyone else like these guys I should check out besides Ryley Walker and Daniel Bachman?

Holy shit! This is really good.

These. I really like the Car Seat Headrest album and so far Aesop Rock is good too but I have only listened to it once fully so need to listen to it couple more times to make my mind up completely.

I've heard her music before, but never really enjoyed. There's any chance that I'll dig this?

yes, try this

Yeah, that's pretty good, I like it!

No one ever talks about this one despite it being genius

i will never listen to something with that album cover

Pic related plus



I don't care if you're a shill or not this shit is fucking amazing wow


these 3

I like this a lot

That's actually a really great album cover.


>it's a shame, i have hated every bowie album since Scary Monsters with the moderate exception of Earthling and Heathen, and when I heard this I thought "holy shit this is actually AOTY"
Then less than twenty four hours later he passes away and now you know it's gonna get that sort of recognition and people will discount it as being solely due to his untimely death. RIP.

i really like how pretty much every talented artist and band i like is releasing albums this year and pretty much every one bar pic related, Autechre and Bowie has been underwhelming as shit

basically depending entirely on swans and mitski to save this year

All solid choices.

I still can't figure out how I feel about this album. I've loved him for years, and this album seems to have some of the same solid sounds he's been doing for a while, but it feels like he's drifting into the realm of gimmick with his theatrics.

I couldn't get into this, am i missing something or am i just not as RAcore as i thought i was

what does it mean if this gave me raging boner

this my jam

you should stay away from nursing homes

Other essential /banned/-core?

This, But also really liked these


Haven't been keeping up

any good noise / ambient releases this year?
all i've listened to is love streams

full of hell / the body split LP

ah awesome didn't know about this
was disappointed by the merzbow split but i don't care for merzbow anyways, I like the body though

to me it was reminiscent of Mark Hollis in terms of simplicity, allowing each note to slowly rear its head and breathe life into the track. The vocal samples are sort of gospel influenced as well which tinges the album with a sense of hopefulness and comfort. I just like it! But it is very minimal so if you're not into that don't worry

>he hasn't had this for weeks


the new geoeroeogeogorgoergiijerlgr is pretty good

Halfway through the year and this takes the cake for me.

Maybe not my AOTY, but so good.

I smell some BS here


Nah, It's fairly well known, I think p4k reviewed it.


Ok, I'll bite. Did it leak?

I couldn't finish this one.

good choices

it would be all over mu if it did

Oh wow, this is pretty catchy.

Its not out yet?

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