i'm a music professional and i have better taste than you. post an album and i'll tell you whether it's good or not
I'm a music professional and i have better taste than you. post an album and i'll tell you whether it's good or not
Other urls found in this thread:
that cat knows something...
Hey I listened to that today
is this album good
honestly never heard of this before but i'm listening now and it sounds pretty terrible. i get that's the point, but i wouldn't waste my time listening to it
Congrats, you just proved your thread is shit.
What album is this please
this is decent. it's the best thing they've done. they went to shit after it, but this album is pretty good because it's not as polished and poppy as their next albums. plus it's way more jam-oriented, as a psych rock album should be
i know this got memed here a while back but i never listened to it. it's probably just some half-assed vaporwave
no lol
But user I'm an even more professional music professional. That means my taste is better than yours. What do?
not OP but while I appreciate the instrumentals, the vocal style joy division/horrors type of things really annoys me
if i ever revealed who i actually am people here would never believe me, but i don't want that kind of attention, it's the reason why i am here
>sound collage of cheesy hip hop samples and field recordings with some guy imitating beefheart over it
it's kind of interesting in a novel way, but it's not good
>this is decent
confirmed garbage taste
it was me all along, i'm steve albino
think we're all obligated to listen now
Get To Heaven -- Everything Everything
In India You best track
is this good m9
it's shit
never heard it and i can't find a way to listen online anywhere
this is good
this is one of the best albums ever
who are you?
I knew it!
do you think it's better or worse?
The fact that Kayne West, Death Grips, and Gromes are the patron saints of Sup Forums and blatant attempts at trolling like this get any attention at all should give everybody an extremely accurate idea of how shitty this board really is. Fuck.
oh shit nice digits
definitely not his best, but it's still good
bjm is great and that is probably my favorite album by them. nice get
this is good
it's alright, but i think half of the attention it got is because of the cover. the music itself can get pretty cheesy
it's interesting. it's like taking the elephant 6 aesthetic to its logical extreme. i wouldn't listen more than once or twice though. the noisy/experimental segments outweigh the catchy moments. i would rather just listen to olivia tremor control
pop punk is an abomination, musically and ideologically.
>it's like taking the elephant 6 aesthetic to its logical extreme
That's pretty much my opinion, though I listen to it pretty often
give me 16 minutes and i'll get back to you. i usually like most ecm stuff
he's great. i actually just saw him perform with bela fleck at my school a few weeks ago. insanely talented musician and composer
>pop punk is an abomination, musically and ideologically.
music professionals don't dismiss entire genres imo
this is pretty neat so far. a bit too minimalistic to really engage me, but it sounds nice, and i like the subtle jazz qualities. the drumming is great
you would know
this exactly desu, OP wat you gonna do
good album. catchy songs and cool production, but it can get a little samey and the songwriting never deviates from the basic verse-chorus-verse-chorus-bridge-chorus pop formula. still pretty good though
this is dope
no idea what this is but it looks like bullshit
obviously not their best but still good
what do you mean? is that sarcasm?
pop punk is irredeemable. it's literally the opposite of everything that punk stood for. it's basically an oxymoron. but cultural context aside, i've never heard a pop-punk album that didn't sound like pandering, whiney garbage
Everything I posted passed your test:
Let's hear a favorite of yours.
eminem is really bad
this is pretty
the vocals are really bad. the music is okay
very cool. those blast beats are next level
nice. my favorite album of all time is probably pic related. not exactly original, but hey it gets all of that praise for a reason
okay so American Idiot is exactly what The Ramones and The Clash stood for, right? it has no political message at all right guys. because it actually sounds good and sold a lot of copies it's not punk enough
mfw cucks lump green day with blink or actual pop punk trash
Jesus Christ guys, if you need a "Professional" (Probably just a neck beard who wants to feel validated) to judge YOUR OWN PERSONAL taste in music than you need to rethink yourself.
are you the same guy who's been spamming american idiot here for the past couple weeks?
i love that album. it makes for good meditation music too
calm down it was just a joke. i just want to talk about music and i'm pretty sure the people who are posting are just curious about what a random user has to say about music that they like.
oh no, le very smart user said my taste are shit, better kill myself
whelp looks like summer is here
>inb4 hurr durr traffic doesnt even increase that much during the summer
These threads happen in the cold seasons too
it's decent for slipknot.
this is pretty cool. sounds like prog stoner rock
>The vibration of the material world, captured and creating haunting soniscapes of a degraded and dying world.
very pretentious unremarkable noise
this is very pretty. kind of reminds me of joanna newsom
i was expecting ignorant trap rap. was very pleasantly surprised
this album is fantastic. used to be my favorite back in high school, so it gets points for sentiment as well
>being this buttblasted about a post on a Cambodian basketweaving forum