God tier albums

Sup Forums i need some god tier albums quick

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I think would be more suitable for you, newfriend :^)

didnt get any responses

Chrissy Zebby Tembo - My Ancestors

especially the song Trouble Maker, Fisherman, and Gone Forever


>not god-tier
i think the trash would be suitable for you my friend


i gotchu f a m

Lincoln is by far their best.


John Henry was the first full album i heard from the band, funnily enough because apparently a lot of people shit on it

Lincoln is great but John Henry is still my favorite


The album is fantastic and I do not care if anyone says. I can not believe this. This is the time to be alive.


oh and when someone says "that's really good, leave it like that"

- trust them

cut it out bitch


Snatched, thanks.










How quick are we talking here, OP??

underrated post


Fuck off Reddit!!




stop jerking off to neckbeards with hats on




the only correct answer for Tallica is KEA

No spoonfeeding for Gorillaz drone :^)