How do you make Sup Forums better?

How do you make Sup Forums better?

Whats your AOTYSF?

>he uses filters


Don't have any of these albums as your AOTY, that's how you make it better

>filtering words
>no tripfags

sup reddit

>I like to swim in shit

I contribute (rarely now) to sharethreads. I try to discuss the music with whoever isn't yelling. I ignore bait posts/threads.

I guess Bottomless Pit or A Moon Shaped Pool. I've been listening to mostly older music at the moment. I'm hoping the new Leon Vynehall album is as good as his last one.

>Filtered threads: 43
I think I have about 50 filters or more, too many too screencap
I usually hide a lot too

I haven't listened to many albums from this year so idk

>Doesn't filter Kpop
If you're going to filter at least filter kpop

>filtering trips
>thinking user are any better

what's the one in the bottom right with the shirtless twinks


shitty jazz for Fantano drones

you can't filter trips from the catalog you moron

Fuck off, tripfag, noones buying it.

>popular, therefore, bad

neat, thanks

>metaphorically comparing feces, which are smelly, disgusting and dangerous to a bunch of words and trolls

not even mad

underrated post

I'd rather filter the much worse Grimes / Taylor / Charli / Marina / Carly spammers who don't use subject titles nor keep it in one thread.

what's your aotysf?

Plenty of popular albums aren't on that chart.
