Get album recs based on a scenario

>middle ages europe, everyone is dying cus of the plague and sheet
>basically the seventh seal
>preferably dark folk

Other urls found in this thread:

Have you heard Scott 4 by Scott Walker? The first track on that is called The Seventh Seal and is pretty much the movie in song form. The other songs all have a similar style, at least musically

A.G. Cook - Radio Tank Mix

Can I just have one based on this pic?

Weezer, obviously.

something really noir, like some dude in a trenchcoat smoking a cigar while it rains on a rainy alley

> while it rains on a rainy alley

I fucked up

obvious rec but I Love You, Honeybear by Father John Misty

Tom Waits - Rain Dogs


>tinder date with 10/10 chick
>going well
>go back to her place
>"user... I have to tell you something first"
>"What is it?"
>"I can't have sex with you sorry"
>""because I'm John Cena"
>no vaporwave bc too easy

Vega Intl. Night School

what music do aliens listen to

>futuristic, cyber-punk dystopian setting
>ordinary person feeling sad because lack of identity and power
>finds happiness through embracing technology fully as if it's natural

doesn't have to be conceptual album like that but should have that type of feeling

or the other one

>watching experimental 70s russian short films with lots of early synth sounds
>high/tired and depressed
>things feel really angular and unnatural

>>watching experimental 70s russian short films with lots of early synth sounds
>>high/tired and depressed
>>things feel really angular and unnatural

something like this


yep perfect

Being brutally raped by an eight-year-old girl

Лёгкoe Дeлo Хoлoд by Cтyк Бaмбyкa B XI Чacoв

buyers market

Wait, that should have been for

Bohren & Der Club of Gore - Sunset Mission

caravan palace

even though you described a very specific feeling i know exactly what you're talking about familia