Should women be allowed to make experimental music considering how bad their track record is with it?

Should women be allowed to make experimental music considering how bad their track record is with it?



I don't think I fucking get it


Hell no. Some of the best artists working in experimental mediums are women.

All those Posh Isolation folks can simply fuck off though, Puce Mary particularly.

what a faggot

why does everyone look so uninterested being there? because it's the "cool" thing to do?

that one guy in the back smiling tho

Is this Pharmakon?

It's a Special Interest secret show and they saw the Posh Isolation stickers on her laptop.

I don't bloody think sharia allows it m8

Because mediocre noise music is a depressing thing to suffer through, user.

No I think it's Puce Mary

You don't like Posh Isolation?
B-but they're so aesthetic and Scandinavian... photos of PI artists and cover art of PI releases always looks so nice on my Tumblr, in between all the reblogged pictures of brutalist architecture, Throbbing Gristle albums and sculptures of Roman emperors...

The guy in the corner of the room

The longer I look at this photo the funnier it gets.
You look at it and you think you've finally gotten all you're gonna get out of it... and then you realize there's a fucking midget in the audience.

Apparently they should be allowed to make music but not attend to shows, because those three girls in the audience look like pretentious Tumblr trash.

>not posting the superior version


Please don't meme on brutalistic architecture and TG, thanks.

not a looker in the bunch