can we just accept this fact and move on?
Other urls found in this thread:
Okay you got me, how the fuck was Bartok edgy
He used a celesta, classic edgy behavior, all the alt kids are doing it these days. Who's the uggo in the top left?
What labels do you people follow (recommend) to keep up with contemporary classical stuffs?
How the fuck is Ligeti not edgelord supreme
Have you not even fucking heard Continuum
that one british label
How wasn't Bartok edgy? Just look at his fucking face
>not recognizing Cerha, one of the truly great 20th century composers
He's just hungarian you racist.
uncompromizing does not equal edgy.
How does Webern even qualify as edgy? His music is so gentle, carfeully made and succinct
Webern was an edgy fuck, no less than Bartok
Neither were "edgy" Bartok was uncompromising, Webern was the epitome of refined class within serialism.
What defines "edgy" for you? and what does it have to do with the music?
Ive asked before but maybe ill get it this time, does anyone know a youtuber called phrygian gamer? He started out teaching basic music theory and later did some really cool videos about popular music and got in depth about it. He just suddenly dissapeared months ago and i dont know why or what the hell happened, havent heard anything about him since.
bmp you say?
any war classical?
Schoenbergs A survivor from Warsaw
Holsts Mars the Bringer or War
Shostakovich Symphonies 7, 12 and 14 (and possibly others)
Tchaikovsky's 1812
Posted this in its own thread, but I feel like posting it here might get more responses. Or at least help it live longer:
A lot of people say knowing music theory enhances one's appreciation of music. How does it do this? Is it that you develop a new type of appreciation of music- appreciation for its theoretical beauty, innovation, "correctness," or whatever, or does it enhance one's emotional reaction to a piece of music? If the latter, how do you suppose it does this?
I'm mostly interested in hearing from people that do know theory, who can describe how learning theory has or hasn't enhance their appreciation of music or relationship with music in some other way.
Theory helps you appreciate the theoretical side of a composition (provided there's something theoretical to appreciate) but it doesn't change your listening enjoyment. If you enjoy a piece, no amount of theory is going to change that. If you dont enjoy a piece, theory isn't going to help.
>tfw those pictures should be flipped
It'd make much more sense.
> implying these are composers and not a mathematician, an accountant, a physics professor, and an engineer
>creating /classical/ without the download links
I came here just to get new music and you blow it all.
There's plenty of stuff available on youtube anyway at decent quality (192kbps AAC) which you can scrape using youtube-dl.
Just go to the archive.
That's a jpeg
Webern > Bartok > Cerha > Ligeti
Thank you for the tip.
fra mit danske fædreland
>no edition
>no pastebins
Trash OP. Next thread.
>not going to yer local thrift stores finding mint condition rare vinyl classicals, or mint condition cd classicals,
It's literally the only thing worth looking through thrift store record selection for but my collection thanks me for the variety and sheer density of options I've built
>appreciation for its theoretical beauty, innovation, "correctness," or whatever
yes, that one
> I listen to modern classical
whew lad, I get that you like classical but why put yourself through this?
it's like saying "I want to read Anglo philosophy"
what the fuck
Burt Bacharach is better than all of them.
>Webern > Bartok > Cerha > Ligeti
Honestly I'm pissed that OP is calling Webern and Bartok edgy, but I'm like 3x as pissed that he's doing it while praising fuckin LIGETI.
Thought 2001 A Space Odyssey was pretty cool, did you, OP?
It's like reading a language, suddenly something crazy sounding like Max Reger's works go from being the equivalent of a faulkner book to a much more legible style like that of a biography book.
Plus it's handy way to improve the overall instant understanding of the relationships between the voices. Rather than listening repeatedly to a piece and eventually realizing what the rest of the instruments are doing, you'll be able to parse it much more effectively and understand it sooner.
It's important to always keep in mind that music theory isn't about prescribing a set of rules, it's about describing what's been done and why it worked, and we can utilize this knowledge and listen, play or write music with more effect and taste.
ya i definately had an easy time reading that in his voice
>just watched tristan und isolde
I can't believe people listen to this as a audio recording without knowing German. please don't do this.
>Modern classical is one thing
There's so many styles and subgenres though. Each composer is essentially individual. Dont write it all off based on your ignorance
quit being a bitch and just find some modern piece and listen to it for 5 days straight and get a taste for it
>not knowing german
how pleb can you get?
Ligeti's choral and orchestral works are excellent and his piano works and string quartets are pretty good as well
He does have some experimental garbage out there but that's because he's popular enough to have people record it
Is there anywhere i can download sheet music for symphonies or piano sonatas? I would absolutely buy them but I'm currently unemployed
is top right Prokofiev? If so, how is Prokofiev edgy?
that aint prokofiev. Its Webern, The thread has stated that a few times if you bothered to read it
Is Vivaldi edgy?
The only truly edgy composer is Stockhausen. Maybe Gesualdo
Cucks can't be edgy
more like BarCOCK lmao
I listened to air on g string and never knew i would like it so much! What is the best version of it/best recording?
Yeah but he did something about it, unlike you
Now that's edgy
I don't know about which the best version is but you should check out the brandenburg concertos, especially 3 and 5.
>mfw Dvorak predicted the importance that blues would have on musical composition and the general trend of African Americans having a strong influence on music culture
>I am convinced that the future music of this country must be founded on what are called Negro melodies. These can be the foundation of a serious and original school of composition, to be developed in the United States.
>""""""sacred"""""" music
yeah fucking right
I mean, pre 1800 pretty much everyone was religious. So yeah. sacred music. Made for performance in a church, with religious subject matter and function.
Yes, it was intended to praise God. What did he mean by this post?
there's no such thing as sacred music because everything is profane. religion is a sham the catholic church has been pushing for centuries as a method of maintaining power.
*pshhh, nothin' personnel, kid*
*teleports away while doing some fre*king ep*c cartwheels*
Godspeed is my favorite classical band
really great logical arguments coming from the peanut gallery, as always
Some people are religious and some aren't. No need to get asspained that things are declared sacred regardless of your views. The world doesn't turn on your dime, you know?
>post rock
Post madrigals
Religion was real for the composers. Everyone experiences reality in their own way and defines what is and isn't real. So yes, the music was sacred (and still is by those who still write it)
I mean, I'm an atheist/agnostic, but its still possible that a god exists. We can neither prove nor disprove gods existence. But we can safely say that god was real for the composers living and working pre 1800, and those who stayed religious even to this day.
goddamn it i'm so fucking triggered right now, but only because 5 years ago I came to mu and start listening to all the Sup Forumscore and godspeed was my favorite and I thought of it as the classical of the future. fuck me goddamne it
>Ever listening to Sup Forums core, let alone "favorite"-ing it
fucking kek, you do it to yourself
*teleports behind u*
Tsk, tsk tsk. You worms never learn.
Now, prepare for this:
*unseathes dick*
>being an aesthetic bigot
can anyone recommend non-atonal postmodern/contemporary compositions?
does anyone has a KH Stockhausen Essential chart or recc me his top 10 interesting works?
At the moment, I just picked random recordings (ie. Cosmic Pulses.
Stockhausen sucks.
Listen to Mozart instead.
Does anyone have the chart for baroque music?
Further proof that Mozart is an overrated hack
*flies helicopter*
Most of them, you would struggle to find many contemporary compositions that are strictly atonal. It pretty much died with Boulez and Stocky. There may be elements of atonality in modern works but they are along side tonality.
really? it seems like a fair amount of the pieces i've listened to that were written in the past 40 years were atonal
Well if you use a suitably loose definition of the fuzzy term atonal, then yes the majority is, as is plenty of medieval music.
well i mean i requested someone to post some contemporary classical music and he only posted stuff like this
(this is really good btw)
holy shit im just listening to this again and it gets really good 3 minutes in
Which composers smear shite on paper and should be avoided at all times?
>inb4 Stockhausen
No but really which ones?
Post old memes.