Our free downloads are back so we're having a celebration.
6 tracks
Try to keep them between 2 and 6 minutes
dubs=track name
trips=artist name
16=album name
61=album cover
album will be up here mualbumsfortheworkingman.bandcamp.com
Our free downloads are back so we're having a celebration.
6 tracks
Try to keep them between 2 and 6 minutes
dubs=track name
trips=artist name
16=album name
61=album cover
album will be up here mualbumsfortheworkingman.bandcamp.com
Other urls found in this thread:
Hood Vibrations
Cervical Plug
I would try if I thought it mattered but it doesn't so I won't and no one will know I cared
Why this thread again? I know it's creative and that's good that we get some kind of quality content but at least make an effort to make it different some of the time you put a thread up
Concerted Apathy
Winrar Track no.1
This isn't Crotch Town! (Boobburg mix)