Do you like this album?

Do you like this album?


A lot

i like you


the album likes me

Yep, favorite song is Ant Man Bee.

I've gone too far, my smile is stuck on my face and i cant go back to the frownland known as Neutral milk hotel.



most of it

yeah loads

Listened to most of it before i went to sleep. I still think lick my decals is a little better. Of course if you want to show someone beefheart without seeming like an autist youd have to go with spotlight kid or safe as milk





I like We're Only In it For The Money better but it's certainly a good 80 minutes of fun.

You're mom needs a real man in her life, I'll be over in a few minutes

It took me a little while for it to click with me, but now absolutely. Honestly I love most of his work, he was a very interesting person.

Fuck no. Le quirky wank music for avant teens. Get fucked.


it's ok

It's pretty funny and unique, I like listening to it every once in a while


A lot of the songs I enjoy but some parts still feel tedious to me

fuck you tripfag

actually I haven't listened to it in a while and now that I'm listening to it rn it's a lot better than I remember it being

It's fun


upvote this post for dali's car downvote for pena
ignroe this post and the ghost of 4 chan will haunt you tonight

>he used the word wank

Its awful