Name one or more other instruments that are as accessible, easy and "fun" as le greatest instrument ever... you can't
Why is Guitar the most plebeian instrument
It's plebeian but that doesn't mean it's bad or you can't do interesting sounds with it. It's just a sound maker.
>Name one or more other instruments that are as accessible, easy and "fun"
Fruity loops and a synth pad
My cock
Guitar is by far the easiest instrument, but the songs can get a little complex i guess. It just annoys me how cheat TAB is
Piano is the most patrician of all instruments. The years spent mastering it can not even compare to the guitar
Piano is hard to play. Do you think it's just mashing your fingers on a keyboard?
And good luck buying a good piano and carrying it around (see: accessible).
Yearite. Coordinating all four of your limbs simultaneously to execute a beat with a precise rythm is way easyer then learning how to move up and down with one hand and and making one out of 7 chords with the other
Definitive order is
Brass > woodwind > Percussion (since percussionists have to learn everything + drums) > strings.
Nigga das patrician as fuk mane
>muh 3 octave range
>"ouch my lips hurt"
>muh forte fortissimo fortississimo belissimo
>dude check out how fast I can play this scale
Its strings > keyboards > percussions > woodwinds > brass
>guitar is only basic chords
why are you on mu
flauta doce
Literally not even, guitar takes like a week to learn, a year to master, brass takes way longer. And string families in general are piss easy to learn.
guitar may be easier to learn but it has a higher skill ceiling
spotted the guitarfag
weak b8, try harder next time
>A week to learn
>A year to master
Have you ever been inside of a Guitar Center before?
>brass takes way longer
what are you a trombonist or something?
nice b8
>he never played drum
u ken h8 da b8 all u day and dats gr8 but the facts are say otherwise
It's just learning how to move up and down with one hand and and making one out of 7 chords with the other
Guitar doesn't take a year to master you twats. Sure classic rock stuff is easy after you get the hang of it, but learning finger style guitar will take years upon years to master. If you think guitar is just basic chords you're inept.
Now the other extreme: modular analogue synths are by far the most patrician instruments. Endless possibilies, hard to program, great results, new superb sounds all the time.
>never went to school
>come home
>sit on machine with screen
>open up forum see click bait
>get in
>see post that say wrong thing
>immediately assume person dumb
>post ironic greentext replymessage
>feels good
woodwinds > keyboards > strings > percussions > brass
shut the fuck up you bassoon playing piece of shit
This is the correct answer. Drums are worthless, they are a glorfied metronome.
Drum machine
I think you're missing the point. It's how patrician is one instrument not how long do you have to play to fully master it.
isnt fun
u can say the lira is patrician due to its specific sound and rarity
>pls explain why cornet is not on the same lvl as trumpet
>drum machine
due to the way its played it u can label it as a percussion/keyboard instrument
>u can say the lira is patrician due to its specific sound
There are guitar effects pedals that can make your guitar sound like a lira
>due to the way its played it u can label it as a percussion/keyboard instrument
You can play a guitar percussively.
Why are you so upset that you couldn't learn guitar, OP?
Where did the guitar hurt you?
My dick.