It dawned on me today while thinking about sofas or whatever that writing music is just creating a thing that someone is willing to pay for because it's important to them for some reason. If a person thinks that the ship has sailed on them ever being at the very least a good songwriter/ musician because they didn't start in their teens well I just wanna let you know you're wrong! There are people in the world that fly fighter jets and commercial jets for a living and people that operate on other human beings. Are these things more complicated than writing a good song that people would pay money to listen to? Yeah probably. Were surgeons and fighter pilot's doing that stuff when they were 14? No I doubt it. So stop being lazy start writing music get good and then be famous :-) If that fucking retard car seat headrest can do then my handicapped dog could too.
Songwriting Motivation :-)
Jeremiah Bell
Nicholas Ramirez
Lincoln Hughes
My man
Owen Long
Thanks you too :-)
Luke Wilson
Thanks Malkshake
Josiah Hughes
No problem stay safe :-)
Lincoln Adams
you could say that flying a jet is easier than making a good song.
Nathaniel Cruz
I highly doubt it friend. Musicians are just portrayed as god-like beings and pilots aren't. There would be a lot less time involved training to write a good song than to fly a jet.
Jacob Rodriguez
I love to see some positivity on Sup Forums. Keep up the good work OP
Austin Turner
Is this a meme?????