ITT: Redpilled musicians

ITT: Redpilled musicians




MR 305


Aldean is redbulled

really? is this a meme or are they redpilled


Billy is trying his absolute hardest to ruin his legacy.

Shit music, chemtrail conspiracies, comparing Sanders to communist dictators, dating asain Neo-Nazi's, talking shit about every relevant musician. Does anyone still like this glorified Mr. Clean?

>Shit music, chemtrail conspiracies, comparing Sanders to communist dictators, dating asain Neo-Nazi's, talking shit about every relevant musician

>being this alpha

I like The Smiths so I've gotten pretty good at not paying attention to musicians once they're past their prime

They use fascist imagery in their lives shows but braindead retards take that as a sign of them being 'racist' and such.

definitely a meme.
The drummer is jewish

As big of a twat Morrissey is, he hasn't reached Alex Jones level retardation.

Morrissey's music post Smiths is also occasionally okay.


they sold skrewdriver merch at a show once to be edgy.

loke rahbek is a fucking weirdo probably

Sounds like the average Killing Joke fan

Whats wrong with that? Aren't a band allowed to do what the fuck they want? It seems like you're the one that is trying to sound edgy.

alright, cool. sounds a little edgy to me but that's better than being straight up neo-nazis

im guessing they grew out of that too

not him but if you're not fascist and sell Skredriver merch, chances are you're just being an edgelord

>Whats wrong with that? Aren't a band allowed to do what the fuck they want?
nothing's wrong with it i just explained the reason why people thought iceage was a racist band for w/e reason
> It seems like you're the one that is trying to sound edgy.
It seems to me like you can't read you daft cunt

yeah, no one said they shouldnt be able to do what they want m8.

selling neo-nazi shit is pretty edgy tho. how in the fuck is calling that out the actual edgy behaviour?

What's so redpilled about promoting fucking waterfilters?

I think it has more to do with his more recent interview where he talks about feminists, social justice warriors and cultural marxists. He also said that Bernie Sanders was like Mao and that he supported Donald Trump.

Believing in chemtrails isn't really red pill but it's fucking batshit crazy.

He was always like that, desu. Gigantic douche and the biggest attention whore.
He made fucking great records.
Now he's just senile

Does he still do shit with TNA?

yeah, he writes for TNA



in deember, he had a kid with his now wife, who is asian. idk if thats the same one you mentioned though
