What happened Grimeth?
What happened Grimeth?
Prob had to take a leak
she has HIV, i think
Hopefully stopped her music career
she probably realized how fuckin stupid and talentless she is and went to go find a bag to put over her head
i hope she hasn't started using drugs again
>implying she ever stopped
she need da proteins
started using drugs grimes is drugs
I hope she fucking killed herself
>Grimes will never pee in your mouth
Wow she was probably triggered by some male chauvinist pig's microaggressions before the show. The patriarchy never ceases to amaze me.
i'm ok with this
shell be fine
She thought it was just a fart.
i hope that guy finally hit her with that hammer
wew lad
damn i hope she is okay. i've been a fan for years
o shit dat boi
im concerned
Maybe she finally realized how bad she smells hehe
He's not wrong.
Sorry guys. It was my fault. I walked by her while wearing an Ariel Pink t-shirt
all that lean she been drinking
read it as "ended herself", that would've been a great end to the show
>generic strawman #56970
>not wrong
you're more retarded than him user jeez
Is there a video?
gahd, is that a fucking tonsil stone in her mouth?
she must be on the rag. not smart doing shows when on your period. god women are dumdums.
>generic faggot #1
>claiming he's not retarded
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damn she's big enough to play arenas?
would really love to fuck her in the ass while she screams and has a panic attack and I batter her up a little
maybe she's freaked out some rando will murder her like that pop singer recently
no i dont +)
She's sad about Viper
What a disgusting-looking whore. I bet her pussy is riddled with oozing sores.