Hello Sup Forums. This is my first post on this board. I don't know a thing about music...

Hello Sup Forums. This is my first post on this board. I don't know a thing about music, I'm a complete newbie and rookie. I like simple music with female voice.

What I like:
- Almost entire 1989 album by Taylor Swift, except slow songs like Bad Blood.
- Chandelier by Sia
- A Thousand Miles by Vanessa Carlton
- Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen
- soundtracks to films and occasionally games

I don't listen to music on regular basis, only occasionally. What would you recommend me? Some other artists? Maybe I should kill myself? Tell me.

Other urls found in this thread:



She's better than anyone from your list.

Please give my 1 song by her, I will listen to it and make my mind.

Start your own music sharing general. It'll get you actual music you can listen to immediately, rather than salty discourse.

Start it off with a link to a download of an album you like, maybe look up the pastbin for whatever type of genre you'd be starting. That's my $0.02.

grims or kys

1. Use the sticky
2. Use the sticky
3. Use the sticky
4. Fuck off

What a terrible way to judge an artist. Imagine if the only T swift song you heard was bad blood, you'd write he off without ever knowing you like her other stuff.

Joanna newsom and Joni Mitchell
Also kys loll XD

Check out Christina Perri

Carly Rae Jepsen - Emotion
if you want some anorak hipster cred, check out Talulah Gosh, too.

git gud fagglet

listen to henry cow

check out "grimes" by visions

I'll give you four:

Listen to all of them. You'll hear a lot about Grimes on these boards, so better be prepared.

I'm afraid I don't like it... My currently favorite song is Welcome to New York by Taylor Swift. But again I hadn't listen to nearly any considerable amount of music to have valuable opinion. There is like 20% chance the next random song I'll hear I'll like more.

They will grow on you if you keep listening to her songs.

you sound like a /wpop/ brethren. Try Charli XCX, Marina Diamandis, and Aurora.

do not listen to grimes, not even once

>do not listen to grimes, not even once
False. Keep listening until you get into her music.

OP, better check out the album Art Angels first. It's honestly the best pop album of the last 5 years.


>best pop album of the last 5 Years
>not picking Emotion by Carly Rae Jepesen

I was listening to Divers on Youtube since it's not on Spotify (at the office atm, making sure to shitpost whilst getting paid)

A Grimes song off Art Angels was apparently on the list I found and it actually made me angry :(

I understand that it could just be because I was expecting something else, but why would you listen to this? To me it sounded like listening to the radio, there were no dynamics, no ebb and flow to the sound, y'know?

>not picking Emotion by Carly Rae Jepesen
That album sounds like a 1989 remake. Too generic.

>I understand that it could just be because I was expecting something else, but why would you listen to this? To me it sounded like listening to the radio, there were no dynamics, no ebb and flow to the sound, y'know?
Are you sure you listened to a Grimes song? To me, her songs have a lot of dynamic: youtube.com/watch?v=jU15FFHhWrc

If you don't like that, check her older albums. They're less radio friendly. youtube.com/watch?v=zENqcBs05ns





Nice pic user.

Yes, positive. Here's the song that was on the list: youtube.com/watch?v=Tv9YoYCKNoE

I'll check this thread once I'm off work and give it a listen.

OT: Found some Julia Holter on the same list... fucking love her music damn son.

Oh nope that's not how it works. It's the same as when they say I should keep drinking coffee to like it, but I don't like it. If there is music I like after first listening, like Taylor, there is no reason to tolerate something else in order to possibly start liking it.

Aaaaah, Flesh Without Blood? That's her poppiest song. Her usual style is pretty different. Give it a listen now: youtube.com/watch?v=qsbiyvpel54

Not bad but not good either. I love when music makes me want to start dancing, more active, faster. Some of Taylor's songs are perfect examples, hell, I can even say Shake it Off, why not.

lily allen

>there is no reason to tolerate something else in order to possibly start liking it.
You're missing out a lot of music for not giving a proper chance. Trust me, some music that you don't like at first it will grow on you and become a favorite if you give it a chance. Your choice.

As you can see there is a lot of memes here.
You can actually start with this chart wich gives you a sights of what album are discused here. Then try to to discover music by yourself or with the help of /daily/, /chart/ and rym
godd luck

I already listened and didn't like it, so relax. I couldn't even hear her voice, what the hell was that even. Not my type of music at all. And I can already see it's a local meme, after being here for only an hour.

>Oh nope that's not how it works.
Oh yes it is you fucking faggot. It might not always work like that, but it can. Just like if you read a book by a new author, you might hate their prose and find it confusing at first, but as you learn to understand it, you might love it.

This song makes me want to dance, though you might not get that same thing from it, it's more of a song for sad dancing




wow, so there's a guy who takes the time to draw that pretending he was a children talking about Death Grips

those are some serious butthurt levels, is so pathetic, just wow

>And I can already see it's a local meme, after being here for only an hour.
Honestly, you're lying. This is a bait thread, right? You already heard about Grimes and never liked her. You're on Sup Forums for far longer than 1 hour. Spill the beans.

OP, hey buddy, hey friend: why don't you try this terrific synthpop collective called CHVRCHES?


They sound like they'd be right your alley. I hope you enjoy what you're seeing on this board so far! :)

It's much too late for some.

Even if you don't listen continuously to things you don't instantly like, it's good to revisit things later. Something that used to be used to be too "out there" might become enjoyable as you listen to more of other things and your tastes expand.

yeah no
listening to a new type of music won't make you decide if you like it or not from the first listen
you will understand the WAY of listening to the music when you listen to it more often

They can't handle her music. Shame, because it's really great.

Nigga, that Tallulah gosh track always gets me pumped. What is your problem?


What a joke, this mu-core. Most of these albums are acclaimed outside mu (and great for real). I expected something unique...

Grimes is basically female shrek

Also, pretty sure OP is baiting. Nobody can be this stupid.

On the off chance OP is serious, a few pointers.
If you think listening to a single song by an artist is the best way to get into an artist, never go on this board again.
If you think artists are only good if you love them after one single listen of one single song, never go on this board again.
If you listen to so little music and care about so little music that you can easily discern a favourite track, never go on this board again.
If you think that there is no point to listening to a musician if you're not sure you like them yet, never go on this board again.

Music isn't for you, bud. Just listen to whatever flavour-of-the-year bland viral garbage floats onto your tumblr dashboard because that's all you listen to, apparently. Which is strange, because that's literally what grimes is lmao

What's with people who can "handle it"? What purpose could her music actually have.

everyone else is already post-memeing you dolt
you got memed

This was made in 2010 (approximately a decade after you were born), these albums are not "unique", they're pop albums to "get people into music" as was decided throughout several threads. For anyone who's completed the list, they will notice that Sup Forums talks about the same 500 albums daily let about 50 being added and dropped off each year.

You mite be trying too hard.

emotion by carly rae jepsen

good album and it's within your extremely limited wheelhouse

if you want to branch out into genres other than pure top 200 pop, listen to joanna newsom, fever ray, and marissa nadler

I think the idea was to present DG as a child's concept. As in:
>Death Grips sounds like something a child would make up.

Listen to Sentient and Venger by Perturbator and tell me what you think.

I think you would like Oasis, Mansun, blur, or Suede

Hello everyone nice to meet you we are Midori

Enjoyment? Enlightenment? Euphoric?

>has to have a purpose
C'mon, user, I know you're capable of critical thinking.

>taking the bait

oh summer children


>excusing stupidity under the umbrella of bait
Assume your idiocy, pal.

I'm not the same user retard

I'm a pleb and i do not give a fuck.

Grimes is horrible, ignore those idiots and take some decent female singer/songwriters

>summer children
Actually, user, I've been here since 2008. You just made me realize I've been using Sup Forums for 8 years. Huh

Anyway, pretty much anything can be "bait" on this site by your logic. If we never replied to any of it, there would be no discussion. I don't even like Grimes btw.

you could not have taken the bait any harder

You got it wrong, idiot. The artists that you posted are all for plebs. Literally every pleb heard of them (Kate Bush, Fiona Apple, Joanan Newsom, Patti Smith). They're also manistream artists and had hits.

Grimes is an indie patrician electronic artist, unlike your big label super-marketed artists that have armies of people working for them.

Grimes is horrible to you because you have shit and predictible taste. You forgot Bjork pleb.

Are you neurotypical or something?

These fit your description.

If you like something dig deeper, never be content.

Honestly this

Women are a meme.

here. I gave it and a few other songs a few listens and... eh?

Sounds like a girl from a rich family talking about how great life is.

>Sounds like a girl from a rich family talking about how great life is.
You couldn't be further from the truth. See the attached image.

I swear Sup Forums is just full of fucking fanboys hating on each other.

It's just an image. It's a light joke.

You guys try to extrapolate on the smallest bit of information or data to some broad sweeping, general level. Stop reading genius, ya dingus.

>child's idea

>quoting boards as a credible source.

Also says nothing about a rich family. Makes more of an argument about her issues being attempts to fit in with the general populace and alienation is common for rich kids too.

>quoting boards as a credible source.
That's true tho. It's based on multiple interviews of hers. Watch her documentary Laughing and not being normal to know more about her.

Whatever happened to lurking?

Ok. I'll have a look later when I'm off. (productive day et.c.)

It's a meme you dip.

It's a girl happy about how shit life is.

What are you trying? Here's the truth
- I'm not a music fan but decided to ask for recommendations
- I've entered Sup Forums for the first time in my life today
- I saw how everyone argue about Grimes, so I assumed it's a sort of meme just like Bane on Sup Forums, but I could be wrong
- I have no idea who Grimes is, I listened to few songs of her posted here and didn't like it

>I hope you enjoy what you're seeing on this board so far! :)
At least it seems healthier compared to Sup Forums
Not really what I was looking for but pretty good I must admit. Probably the best recommendation ITT so far. Will check more of them.

This dear god, also lurk.

OP here. Yes I'm serious. If I'm not wrong there are like thousands of bands and singers throughout the history, so if I spend a week for each one of them to really "get into", I won't even cover 5% for my entire lifetime. But I will take your advices into consideration.

You will love Haim.


That's bullshit and you know it.

>Music isn't for you, bud. Just listen to whatever flavour-of-the-year bland viral garbage floats onto your tumblr dashboard because that's all you listen to, apparently. Which is strange, because that's literally what grimes is lmao
Grimes is established for years, jerk. She also built her career on her own, as an indie artist. Your hatred is showing. Music isn't for you, prick, if you're saying that shit about her.

OP here. I listened. It appeared to me to be somewhat in the middle between things I like - some rather complicated music which I usually listen in a form of some sort of soundtracks, and a female voiced song. So I'd say I rather don't like this, because I prefer either one or another. Btw my favorite soundtrack song is possibly this one:

OP here. Thank you user, you got it right. This is what I like. Songs like these make me smile, because they sound happy. Not that it sounded better than Taylor, but it's by far the best suggestion ITT.

I'm sorry but I couldn't find sticky in Sup Forums. Am I retarded?

why are you such a pleb

Perhaps, although in this case it pay not actually help you find the specific thing you're looking

That's good to hear