Charles Manson

>tfw the greatest living folk singer was unjustly incarcerated and had to record his best albums on a shitty little taperecorder and smuggle them out in someone's ass I guess..

music for this feel?

Other urls found in this thread:

never was a hippie

remember one of my friends posted and this and i wanted to dislike him for being edgy but it was genuinely really good

never was a nazi

never was a junkie

never was a murderer

never was a failed musician

What if in some alternate reality, he's known as a Bob Dylan type of figure

never was a cult leader

never was given a fair trial

never was given the right to present his version of the story to the jury because the district attorney deemed his speech "too hypnotic"

But he was a murderer, he was a junkie, his mother was a prostitute, he is a pathological liar, a rapist, and a kleptomaniac.

I mean this guy's a real jerk.

hes really sweet


Whats that now?

1. no
2. no
3. yes
4. he speaks in metaphor
5. true, he is a rapist (he raped a fellow inmate in a youth detention center during his teens so he wouldn't be sent home to his drunken prostitute mother)
6. property is theft



hell be fine


real soon

I remember when I was thirteen and I thought Charles Manson was cool too, namefag. You'll grow out of it eventually and memories of believing shit like what you just posted will keep you up at night sometimes cringing at how fucking retarded you were.

never was anything but a true lover of the earth

He's a manlet faggot with a Messiah complex. I don't care if he did or didn't kill anyone he deserved to be locked up for life for those reasons alone. Hope he enjoys dying in there.

You want to hear actual good folk music go listen to some Jackson Frank and educate yourself you little faggot.

You people should probably read up before you spew shit all over the place.

Will check out Jackson Frank though, thanks.

Let me guess, you read his wikipedia page and now you're an expert.

Carve a swastika so deep into your forehead it etches it onto the back of your skull.

I love it when retards use names so you can filter them. They're like the docile ones that stay on their leash and don't drool on you when you walk near them at the grocery store.

No. You sound salty.

thanks for pointing it out and replying

end of dump
good night

>The feel when I would totally buy his recordes

I'm really concerned by how much I'm enjoying these tracks.

lol, found the edgy teen

t.Charle's Manson's wife

>be talented musician
>the industry promises you a deal then fucks you over
>strike back and attack some rich pig

Charlie did nothing wrong, and his sentiments are identical to many musicians Sup Forums enjoys who hate the machine, like Ray Davies or Roger Waters. No, I'm not being edgy.

>It's ok to start a cult and kill someone because your feelings were hurt

Not surprised a Sup Forumstant would sympathize with Charlie desu

he had two good songs

look at your game girl and home is where your happy

brian wilson and neil young liked his demos, apparently

Hardly his best desu

This is what gets me the most. They wouldn't let him be his own lawyer for what essentially boils down to 'he speaks too well'.

He sounds like 20th century existentialist (aka a pseudo).

Still, if the cross-examiner is good at what they do then they should be able to reveal the ruse that his fancy speaking is. Bundy defended himself and the judge acknowledged how well he did, but he still lost.


>tfw receeding hairline


>he raped a fellow inmate in a youth detention center during his teens so he wouldn't be sent home to his drunken prostitute mother
how gullible are you, lol


this thread is filled with dubs of wisdom

>off by one

his court hearings and the murders was a new form of art that set the stage for everyone else.

His albums Air and Trees are his best by far.

nah, they're shit
he's gotten too old and too slow for this whole impro thing

charles manson is a loser and got bodied by my nigga dennis wilson

go to bed charles

are you happy with your courts?