This thread is not a troll and it's not made with intent to bash on them, wanna get that out of the way...

This thread is not a troll and it's not made with intent to bash on them, wanna get that out of the way. The first song I heard by them was of course "My Girls" back in high school when I was tripping on psychedelics. Me and a friend were very entertained by the music video and weird sounds. I still like the song. But I cannot for the life of me understand why they are so liked on this board. They are just sooooo boring. I want to like them, I do. I have listened to MPP about 2 or 3 times, Sung Tongs, Painting With, and I'm currently listening to Feels. The track "Banshee Beat" just started and a lot of AnCo fans love this one so I'm excited but for this whole album I haven't heard anything that has made an impression. What is it that people like in them? What album should I listen to next? Should I try MPP again or one I haven't heard yet? I like psychedelic pop, a lot actually, but I can't listen to an album by them without wanting to skip many songs or completely turn it off. Somebody please explain.

tl;dr Why do people like AnCo?

Other urls found in this thread:

Anco always seemed boring to me until I gave their albums multiple listens, then it clicks for some reason and really gets you.

Also, you need to go back further. Spirit, Campfire Songs, and HCTI are among their best albums

>why do people like-

Because I like the music they make. If you don't then that's fine

I don't understand Swans. I've tried to listen to them multiple times throughout the year and I still find them overtly long and boring.

I like Animal Collective. But I didn't always like them.

Whether or not you like something is based on your musical palette and if you honestly like them or not. These things take time. Maybe I'll like Swans later, but right now, I don't. Try listening to them without any preconceptions of who they are.

right. i'm in music=subjective and all that jazz.

as an anco fan, care to help me get into them?

Fair enough. That has been true for a few artists I like..

First time I put on Spirit (long time ago), I heard that high pitched sound and turned it off very quickly. Didn't even get halfway through. Do you still recommend I try it again?

The high pitched feedback noise is pretty much only on the first and final tracks. The rest of it is just high pitched synths that don't hurt your ears. Definitely give it another go

What Swans have you listened to?

The Seer
To Be Kind
List goes on desu

If you haven't tried Filth yet, start their. I started with Post-revival too and didn't like it, went back to Filth and now I think Swans are great

Go chronologically after you listen to Filth

OP here. I'm on the last tracklist of Feels and I actually enjoyed the second half of the album (everything including and after Banshee Beat). So I've heard MPP, Sung Tongs, Feels, and Painting With. What should I listen to next guys?

>based on your musical palette
I truly understand and defend this ideology all the time irl. However, like I said in my OP about how I really liked My Girls, I want to like them more. I want more you know? Not necessarily something that sounds exactly like that but I just want to be into more of their music, it'd strange and abstract and I like it a lot. I like some of their other songs too like that so I'm just trying to "break the code" and actually develop like for them. I can't find the album I really enjoy though yet, and I'm not really a "listen to singles and tracks" kind of guy unless I'm with friends or really fucked up (lack of attention).

As for the Swans thing, I felt the same way with them at first but what made me like them is their debut (pic related). I recommend listening to it something in the future when you're emotional and pissed. I heard it when I was upset with the way my life is going, drunk, and very emotional. I really connected with the sludgy, repetitive anger.

Strawberry Jam. Arguably one of their best albums.

They are on the "odd pop" type of music category
People who like a structured song but not traditional

They're not for everyone, man. I personally enjoy a lot of their music but I can see why some people might find it off-putting or boring.


Okay thanks. What should I expect? I always listen to their albums with the thoughts that they're amazing and I'm gonna be blown away because of how often they are talked about.

Also this is now officially a "help others get into a band that you like" thread as well as keeping my OP topic in discussion.

Anybody trying to get into an artist and just can't, but really want to?

OP if you dont think this song is the hottest shit, then dont talk to me or me spirits ever again

SJ is a bit more psychedelic/indie rock leaning than their other albums, but man it has some knockout tracks like Peacebone, For Reverand Green, Fireworks, and Cuckoo Cuckoo.

It's about as accessible as Feels

Strawberry Jam is kind of a marriage of their more Pop-oriented music and their more experimental and oddball side.

It's not an album that most people can fully digest on first listen so it might take you a few listens to really understand just what the hell they are doing.

It's a very bittersweet, electronic/rock album at heart.

Closer to Sung Tongs but more electronic based. Kind of noisy too.

Okay, thanks for the rec.

>It's about as accessible as Feels
Which means a 5 or 6 out of 10 on the "accessibility chart" right?

What's the scale of this accessibility chart? What is a one and what's a ten?

All I'm saying is that, since your on Sup Forums in the first place, it won't be too inaccessible for you

Hey this Campfire Songs record is pretty good actually. I'm only on track 2 but I like this so far. A lot more than other stuff I've heard by them. You think Geologist is the reason I don't like AnCo? lol

It's their best record imo

Which of theirs have you listened to? Geo is a good member

I'd say a 1 is Trout Mask Replica and a 10 is like OK Computer or Weezer Blue Album

MPP, Sung Tongs, Feels, Painting With

In that case it might be 4, maybe

In any case it isn't too challenging, give it shot

Give their earlier stuff a shot, you'll probably like that more. Stuff like HCTI and Hollinndagain. They're some of AnCo's less accessible releases, but be open minded

don't fucking start with their post-revival stuff. it's long and difficult post-rock. start from Filth, everything from there til Children of God is brutal noise rock. Excellent if you're into hating yourself or weightlifting. After that they mellow out and make some more conventional post-punk music. White Light From the Mouth of Infinity is a classic, the Great Annhilator is very good, and then there is Soundtracks for the Blind which is difficult to describe.

Then there's a 10 year hiatus and they come back with post-rock. Don't start with that stuff.