How can teenagers keep on living?

How can teenagers keep on living?

Well maybe mr. swans should have though twice before raping a girl

This is a fair rating for this album.

Who cares about TMT, they haven't even bothered reviewing the AOTY.

>godspeed you! black emperor

Opinion discarded. They are absolutely nothing alike.

3/5 because of rape.

It’s from this lyric that we finally learn that Gira has, after all this time, begun subscribing to some kind of metaphysics that identifies Love as the foundation/essence of all existence (whatever that might mean). However, even though such a cuddly-feely affirmation might make us think twice about his personal history, it unfortunately has less effect on our reception of the music that Swans offer on The Glowing Man. For the most part, this music has lost nothing of its punishing weight and austere grandeur since To Be Kind, yet for the current outing, it has become a mite too punishing and austere, having lost something of its creativity, nuance, and personality in the two years since that landmark album.

More specifically, there are eight tracks on The Glowing Man, and while they perform a suitably preternatural job of conveying Gira’s pursuit of self-transcendence and annihilation, the band’s attempt to jettison their respective individualities, particularities, and characteristics via brute force alone comes at the not-too unsurprising cost of robbing these same songs of distinctiveness, variety, and color. Three of them clock in at over 20 minutes, while two others exceed 10, yet rather than filling the massive space they occupy with melodies, riffs, harmonies, or hooks, they often play out more as de-individuated masses of tone and texture. They rise and fall according to the band’s capricious mood, but their occasional lack of articulation, embellishment, definition, and dynamism is such that the album ends up engaging less than The Seer and To Be Kind, even with the relief provided by its three shorter, folkier numbers.

>styles: no-wave

Hot onion.

Gira himself acknowledges their similarities. Swans has less in common with Rhys Chatham than anyone else on that list.

you speak of this, yes?

Stop viralling

just waiting on that pitchfork 0.0

This is getting a 5/5 in a few days though and no. Good album tho.

what is AOTY accordin' to you, then?
Im not james .

worse than even fucking radiohead confirmed

>Tiny Meme Tapes



well i dont mind someone liking swans but rym is just for shitty hipsters and wannabe critics

The only Swans/Godspeed similarities I see are on some of the SFTB stuff like Helpless Child or The Sound, with those huge heavy slow builds. Other than that there's some pretty distinct differences.


i would say that they use very similar instrumentation to do different things, but that's a bit beyond your ability to critically think about music

Dude, you're almost as bad as Montie. Stop.

Listened to this for the first time earlier and it was like a better version of R Plus Seven

rym loves swans m8, that's from TMT