Music for this feel?

Music for this feel?

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The Edsels - Rama Dama Ding Dong

Karma Police - Radiohead
Bullet Proof...I Wish I Was - Radiohead
My Iron Lung - Radiohead

what the fuck, i expected this to be fake

and yet these cucks will still rally for more muslims in their country


exactly my reaction to the album

>being an islamophobe


>that short response
At least they recognized it

Brb deleting Radiohead from my music library. I don't listen to music made by racists.

who gives a fuck, degenerates get mad over anything


Are you fucking retarded? There are the moderate muslims and the extremist muslims I mean its 2016, come on.

>Our hearts go out to those attacked tonight at Velvet IndieGround in Istanbul
>Velvet IndieGround

This is Islamaphobic propaganda -- they were actually just Slayer fans...


>implying that ones who attacked were extremists.
> implying moderate muslims dont support this kind of acts.
you are really full of shit


They were extremists
there are barely any moderate muslims left in this shithole of a country now tho


"""moderate""" muslims are the ones who only identify as muslim out of tradition or otherwise family inheritance - they don't actively practice the teachings of islam besides perhaps wearing a headthing (again out of tradition and culture rather than religious belief)

thats the only argument you have?
i mean, i dont even need to visit pol to get to the conlcusion that the majority of the muslims are brain dead scums, you just need to see the news (like the one we are discussing)

Bump for Allah


The majority of the Muslim world believes that Sharia Law should be public policy, so that should tell you all you need to know about how truly "moderate" the Muslim world is. And you should probably do a quick Google search for violent excerpts from the book that they live and die by, before you lambaste any more people for being intolerant bigots.

Fucking kill yourself


and yet people attacked in this video are likely muslim as well

how do Sup Forumstards deal when muslims attack muslims?

Mudslime isn't a race


I know you're being a smartass, but it's funny that people actually use this argument when someone criticizes Islam.

I loathe Trump, but it really triggers me when liberal dipshits call him a racist for marginalizing Muslims and Mexicans (race: lol)

The majority of the Muslim world lives under the tyranny of Islamists and are kept in poverty and lack education, so of course they do their master's bidding. Even if this statistic isn't pulled out of your ass, what exactly does that tell you? That impoverished people are easily manipulated by corrupt leaders and your solution is to hurt Muslim people even more? lmao

Yes, the Koran has shitty passages. Perhaps you ought to read the Torah or a the Bible though, dude. Would you have denied Jewish refugees during WW2 because the Torah says some nasty thing?

>unironically implying that the bible calls people to violent hatred in the same way that the koran does

How to tell you've read neither

Yeah, there's definitely no racist element there m8, which is why Trump is also proposing a wall to block Canadians and wants to ban immigration of white people from Europe. But nah, it's about """nationality""" and """religion""" (not that these are any better to discriminate based).

Muslim here. The most embarassing part of this incident was the fact that they were unironically listening to Radiohead. Cringe.


back 2 tumblr

10 million illegal immigrants didn't come from canada

It's not a race or religion thing, it's a law abiding thing. The fact that the people breaking immigration laws are mexican is irrelevant in all aspects besides the physical location of the wall

>wall to block Canadians and wants to ban immigration of white people from Europe
what? this is the first time i've heard this. and even if it were true, all he wants is to stop illegal immigration.
fuck you fucking faggot.

wow homophobic much? stop posting

Bible: Turn the other cheek, let ye who has not sinned cast the first stone, forgive them father for they know not what they do.



Funny, 'cause I've read both and own both. How much of either book have you read?

Do you know what a parable is?
I'm used to people taking the bible out of context but this has to be the worst I've ever seen

Clearly you've missed the point here. He's not building a wall on the Canadian border because Canada is a white country.

>lives under the tyranny of Islamists
This is a totally speculative approach to the FACT that even in more moderate Muslim nations, the majority support Sharia Law -- around 75% of Egypt, in fact. Instead of pulling incredulity out of your ads, look it the fuck up.

>impoverished people are easily manipulated by corrupt leaders
I didn't say otherwise, nor is this incompatible with my concerns. Nice attempt at moving he goalposts though.

>hurt Muslims even more

>the Bible and the Torah have shitty passages
Again, not incompatible with my concerns, and I think it's safe to say that if you did a side-by-side comparison, Islam would win the intolerance Olympics.

>would you have denied Jewish refugees
You're so utterly full of shit, it's actually embarrassing.

can you please define an Islamist?

no, he's not building a wall on the canadian border because it's a white country, he's not building a wall because the illegal immigration from canada isn't as bad as mexico's.


Does he marginalize people based on Religion and Country of origin, yes, but I question how much is predicated on racism, and how much is simply the fact that he's an opportunistic douche who's willing to capitalize on peoples prejudicial tendencies.

It's people like you who are the reason that I'm embarrassed to call myself a liberal these days

Show me the part in the new testament where it says everyone who sins should be hunted down and executed

You know jesus never actually said anything about gay people.
Also Christians follow the new testament, all of that jew shit you posted is in the old testament

>75% of Egyptians support Sharia Law
Yeah, I'm calling bullshit.

>Nice attempt at moving he goalposts though.
That was my first post.

Clearly you are intolerant of Muslims. Clearly you are a Trump supporter (le cuck!). Harshly cracking down on Muslims in America and creating more tension in the Middle East is definitely not gonna create more radicals, oh no.

>Again, not incompatible with my concerns, and I think it's safe to say that if you did a side-by-side comparison, Islam would win the intolerance Olympics.
Who gives a shit, they all have bad messages in them. Do you also compare Hitler and Stalin to see which one was worse so we can declare one of them the "good guys?" If you're against Islam because "look at the Koran!," then you ought to be anti-Christian, anti-Jewish, anti-Moron and much else. Can we deport Christians from America too? We could start with Trump.

>You're so utterly full of shit, it's actually embarrassing.
Answer the question mate.

>creating more tension in the Middle East is definitely not gonna create more radicals, oh no.

>islam is a religion of peace
>don't make them mad or they'll blow you up

Pick one

This is true. Most of the bigotry that comes from Christianity is just based on nebulous exegesis; nevertheless, the portion of the Bible that is Christ's words accounts for about 2 hours, so people are naturally gonna go off the grid a bit.

>expecting everyone to go to stone age for a MONTH just because your religion is gay
islam needs to be banned in all countries today for the next 1000 years. make it illegal.


White people and their oppression are the only reason Islamic terrorist attacks happen. Muslims do not get any chance to show that they're peaceful people because racist Trump supporters like you will always criticize them no matter what they do.

I literally cannot tell if this is bait or not
You sound exactly like a shitposter now, but the worst part is there are people who actually unironically believe what you say

Are you suggesting that ISIS only happened because of white oppression?

Lemme know when canadian drug dealers and illegal migrants come in in large numbers and when buddhist terrorists go on shooting sprees.

You're acting like Muslims are the only people who have ever fought back against their oppressors or that harshly punishing already disadvantaged groups doesn't push people to the brink.

Do you have any knowledge of world history or is it just ~different~ when brown people do it?

>Muslims do not get any chance to show that they're peaceful people
yes they do, stopping terrorism today is always an option. but instead they support violence, beat up women for showing their hair and are full barbarians who dont care about people´s lives or about murdering someones wife or son.

As long as you got radical islam based terrorists active and moderate muslims supporting radicals its a death cult and you should never trust them

First they murder their own people then europeans and now striked in your nightclubs. You´re not safe coz they dont give you a chance.

>calling bullshit
Call bullshit all you want, it doesn't make it untrue. Although I realize this is the intellectually dishonest approach to debate that SJW's prefer. Stay ignorant, m8.

>that was my first post
You're not making any sense

>clearly intolerant of Muslims
>clearly a Trump supporter
Nope. And I believe that banning muslims would only increase terrorism, due to the fact that we already have 3 million Muslim citizens, and we all know what happens when some Muslims feel like their stupid religion is under attack.

>who gives a shit
You're not too bright, are you? If you have a religion that is more intrinsically violent and intolerant than others, naturally it's going to produce more violence and intolerance.

I'm not saying that ANY religion is "one of the good guys", I hate them all... but I hate some a tad more than others.

The immigrants in germany rape women because of white oppression?

Yes, it's because of the german white supremacist system and rape culture, obviously.

You sound like a shitposter from Sup Forums m8, goes both ways.

Not the guy you're responding to, and it's not exclusively the fault of "white people," but what exactly have the states done other than meddle in the Middle East, install despots and give rebels weapons? What do you think happens in a world where 99% of the wealth is given to 1% of people, majority of which reside in western countries. You make this a racial thing because that's easier and lazier than considering and external conditions that contribute to this kind of thing.

Honest question: would you give a shit to learn that an illegal Canadian was living in your neighbourhood?

Yes, because clearly I just said every individual act of violence committed by a person of colour is actually the fault of you. It's a good thing you have reading comprehension on your side.

ISIS is just the consequences of white people and their islamophobia on a very large level. It's thousands of Muslims who saw white people's oppression and decided to fight against it. Their actions are obviously horrible and I do not support them in any way, but it's true that white people are the reason ISIS was created.

Illegal citizen period. Race is irrelevant.

If I knew for sure he was there illegaly,I would be concerned.

So that's why they're at war with other brown countries and occasionally do some propaganda that gets sent out to white people?

This is not totally untrue; however, I think that Muslims and their bleeding-heart counterparts are more concerned with tossing around terms like Islamaphobia and excusing their utter intolerance, than actually debating their text on a point-for-point basis.

>brown countries
Stopped reading there, go back to Sup Forums. Fucking racist.

You know if you really want to go the "whitey caused ISIS" you should at least say it's because of the post-colonial borders that did not take the local nations and ethnicities into account.
ISIS is much more concerned by Israel and the unification of their geographic zone than they are by "white islamophobia".

>ISIS is much more concerned by Israel
why haven't they attacked Israel yet?
Why hasn't Iran attacked Israel yet?

Because you don't want to piss off the USA until you know you can deal with the whole of NATO.

Iran because they actually know stuff about diplomacy and know they would get USA'd instantly if they did.
ISIS because they can't do it yet. And they probably won't unless things really turn into their favor. So far the chaos cause by ISIS is conter-productive in that regard.

Do you want me to call syria a white country? How else am I meant to describe it, when you yourself are quick to label white people?

>ISIS is much more concerned by Israel and the unification of their geographic zone than they are by "white islamophobia"

They often list US support for Israel as the #1 reason for their anti-American sentiments.

Here's an intesting article on why terrorism began to spread.

You don't get it,, there is a huge ethnic variety in the middle east.
But all white people are the same.

Just call it a country. We're all part of one race, the human race.

I'm calling bullshit because I'd love for you to show me that "75% of Egyptians" support "Sharia law." I'm not going to search the echo chambers at Stormfront to see which racist pulled this out of their ass.

>You're not making any sense
This isn't very difficult. The reply you replied to was my first post in this thread.

>Nope. And I believe that banning muslims would only increase terrorism, due to the fact that we already have 3 million Muslim citizens, and we all know what happens when some Muslims feel like their stupid religion is under attack.
Well, at least we agree on that.

>If you have a religion that is more intrinsically violent and intolerant than others, naturally it's going to produce more violence and intolerance.
My point is that is this the actual religion, or is this the result of impoverished, uneducated, oppressed people living under tyrants? I think Islam has terrible messages in the Koran and I think, in an ideal world, religion would itself phase out, but extreme measures or shunning an entire people is not going to help a very complicated situation. That's why I get annoyed when people like you make such sweeping statements about Muslims and spread this kind of hatred. Muslims pose an immediate threat to you, imagined or not, Christians can be violent against Muslims (see Bosnia), Jews can be violent against Muslims (see Palestine), Buddhists can be violent against Christians (see Burma). If you're going to condemn all Muslims because of the Koran, you ought to do the same for all religions and religious texts (cause even the New Testament says shitty things). If you're going to point to public opinion in Iran, sure, let's point to public opinion in a Christian country like Russia and talk about their human rights violations or the violence and corruption there.

Why? What threat does an "illegal" Canadian pose that a "legal" one does not?

europe didnt have a real rape problem before taking in the refugees okay
islam is the root of all evil
>Then man are coming in there with bottles and that dashing chairs about you're gonna fuck up the 'ting u get me. It's like wait til u get outside yeah like even furthermore meet man on another day init, this is a party mans tryna make p's yeah mans tryna get a little, dance a little while with a girl and that and you're all fighting throwin chairs 'nd that it's not really the one you get me? But obviously thats cool innit you get me thats cool now. Same.

feeling concerned =/= feeling threatened.
Not to mention that an illegal migrant emmigrates outside of the legal channels for a good reason.
It's not as if these were mexican or canadian refugees.

I think this is a simplified way of looking at things. America and the west spent a lot of time meddling in the middle east, installing despots, making shady deals, giving rebels weapons. They helped keep the middle east in turmoil and they helped keep the average person's quality of living in the shitter. Is it really a surprise when rebels get a hold of some of that weaponry and use that to attack who they consider the "oppressor," and is it a surprise when people who have lived in destitute their entire life because the states installed a dictator here or there or gave this rebel group ammunition or backed this rich prince for financial gain ultimately end up buying into the propaganda that their "liberators" shout? It's sort of like looking at the shit show in Africa and pretending that colonialism had nothing to do with it.

I hope you're from the UK because I just reported your post to the police for hate speech.



What is your concern then? Stop evading the question.

What "good reason" is this? I'm assuming you mean crime. Are you suggesting that ALL illegal immigrants are involved in crime, or that is the only reason this happens?

>mod deletes this post
>keeps this Sup Forums thread open

fuck you mods

>Muslim here
Go fuck a goat, Ahmed.

Leave your mom out of this, user.

Post it

The threat is they don't pay taxes yet still use services that taxes pay for, therefore contributing to the issues in the economy

That doesn't cut it when my point is ISIS is attacking non-white people moreso than whites. You can't ignore race, it's an objective data analysis. To say otherwise says you care more about feelings than facts.

Running away fro myour country is something you do when something is threatening you there. If it is because you are in danger due to things you have nothing to do with but found yourself caught into then you are a refugee,which is quite different. IF yo uare running away from the justice I think you can agree there is a problem. There is very little reason for an economic migrant to leave his country illegally.

>What is your concern then?
Wouldn't you be concerned if someone conducted illegal activities on the other side of the role? Stop pretending you don't see how that could be seen as an issue. Even if the illegal migrant has not caused any problem his presence itself can become a problem because it might cause police interventions, etc.
I am a selfish dick and I don't particularly want a partyvan to show up under my window because a neighbour isn't allowed to be there.

It's just a guy saying nigger in all caps

Your post is an embarrassment.

>I'm calling bullshit because I'd love for you to show me that "75% of Egyptians" support "Sharia law."
>liberals in a fucking nutshell

You should be ashamed that I have to hold your hand on this, widdle babby.

>The reply you replied to was my first post in this thread
Oh, you mean the well-constructed argument that consisted of "Sup Forums"? Lol

>sweeping statements about Muslims
Cite a single one that you feel is inaccurate. Do I recognize that the vast majority of the Muslim population do not commit violent acts? Yes. Do I acknowledge the fact that only about 1%, -- according to intelligence reports -- are involved in some type of jihadist activity? Yes; however, you're obviously more concerned with sanctimonious, moral posturing than debating my actual points, so I realize that thsee acknowledgements may come as a surprise to you.

The rest of your feeble diatribe is merely attempting to compare Islam with other intolerant religions, so I'm not exactly sure what point you're trying to make other than "heeey, you're Islamaphobic because you're singling out Muslims" -- which I don't believe is totally unfair, given the current state of affairs.

>here is a huge ethnic variety in the middle east.
Prove it.

>Are you suggesting that ALL illegal immigrants are involved in crime,
Are you really this retarded?
ALL illegal immigrants are INHERENTLY involved in crime as they BROKE THE LAW by entering the country ILLEGALLY. There are legal means of immigrating and they chose not to use them out of pure selfish indulgence. You should not be enabling that.