No wave revival when?

No wave revival when?

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i already started it. this is a bootleg from our first show, having never practiced together. catch us next saturday at Euphorbia Kava Bar in New Orleans, with noise guys and transvestite pop punk.

It already happened

No wave isn't a genre.

>he hasn't listened to Ava Luna

there was now wave

In theory it isn't. In practice there is definitely a specific no wave "scene" and sound, that's what we're talking about.

Dude that's awesome. I'll check out the link soon. Know of any other up and coming no wave acts?

>In practice there is definitely a specific no wave "scene" and sound

There was a scene, there wasn't a sound.

Dance punk revival already happened in the early-mid aughts

I bet you're the life of the party


my gf's band they are so good and also no-wavey

mfw i listen to this band

A lot of music today is still pretty no-wave influenced

There was a lot of garage music in the late 00s like factums that sound like no wave

guerilla toss just made a new album this year, viet cong is pretty no wave-y.

look harder nigga

Cellular Chaos has a new album coming out next week

Yes, this.

We already had this in the 00s, I remember it.

btw, is it Divine in that pic?


No wave is Lower East Side NYC from the mid to late seventies. It's not a genre.

There will never be another no wave.

This is another user that gets it.

It's not a genre, it was a scene. It won't happen again unless you get a time machine.

And Brian Eno is solely responsible for outing it and killing it off.

love this album

Then punk isnt a genre. Rock n roll isnt a genre. 90% of genres arent genres.

you're correct. genres are mainly a way for major labels to group individuals into find a way to cater to them for profit

Too fit for Divine

My nigga
The no wave influence is super subtle on that album tho. I do agree that it's there tho

This is correct.

Shitty genres don't have a revival: see funk, blues, grunge, etc.

Just looked this up, and it's good

This sounds like literal shit, but I guess that's the point

Check out their other shit. It's all solid gold.

Is No Wave objectively the greatest American art movement?

There are so many different "Wave" genres.
Could somebody actually explain what the supposed differences between them all are?

This has a lot of no wave influence especially in Katie's vocal delivery

after i die hopefully