/GG/ grimes general

Is Grimes career over?

Do you all thing she will put snother album out? Art Angels didnt do it for me. Butterfly was a slap in the face of Visions and Realiti wasnt good on the album. Changed for the worse you know. Californias video was also redone for some reason.

What is happening to Claire?

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I'm still waiting for her career to start.

she kinda lost her mind completely
and I like it

i really hope she doesnt continue in this direction. i can tolerate a few songs on art angels but overall it makes me ashamed to even like visions anymore


She has to know by now it was a bad direction.

ahh It makes sense. behind the hair and quirky genius. claire is just another typical girl who craves the attention and views.
welp it's over

She just wants to do mindless pop now, for what ever reason.

That was always obvious...

Visions had the extra umpffh of madness changing her personality.

Bummer. She smokes weed and drinks alcohol.

I must get her addicted to MDPV. We will get the best avante pop album of all time if I have my way.

Wouldnt mine porkin her hog hole either

She lost at least 1 million fans since Art Angels


and probably gained 10 million. she's more popular than ever now but for all the wrong reasons

AA is actually great album

i'm not saying it's terrible, it just wasn't what i wanted it to be. instead of continuing to subvert pop tropes she openly embraced them

its pretty mediocre, not bad exactly but hardly worth multiple listens

Why arnt people watchined her youtube music videos then.

6/10 tops

People defend her saying "it supposed to be ironic."

Clearly that is an excuse. The album doesnt have a real identity. Claire wasnt sure what to do.

Irony is thr go to excuse for us 18 to 34 year old people.

California was changed because it didnt fit the aesthetic of the video i guess but i like the remixed version better anyway

it took the oblivion video 2 years to reach 10 million views. flesh without blood reached it in 7 months

let a nigga circlejerk

Why do people not talk about Geidi Primes and Halfaxa? Yeah they sound kind of amateurish compared to her other stuff, but they're still good.

Geidi Primes > Art Angels > Halfaxa = Visions

That was her becoming popular. Once popular she declined.

You vant deny the lack of views. Check in a year. Womt be shit for views.

Claire pls


art angels is a great album, definitely her 2nd best after visions

it's a good and interesting pop album, good enough that im not crying over the fact that her style changed.

the video version of california sux.

Yes it is awful. There is a reason they changed the song so drastically. The drop in views would worry any manager or artist. Not good.

Yeah the first 2 suck and I barely consider them music. Visions is a solid 8/10.

Art Angels dropped the ball for money or popularity or her back-2-normie-drugfree mind.


eh, i dont see it as "selling out" or "sobering up" or anything. i think it's just the direction she wanted to go, not for $$ purposes.

>Is Grimes career over?
You have no idea what you are saying.
She is on top now.

So she just sucks, huh

Yes I am watching a recording of her on jimmy fallon. Its not great

I agree on it not being abt $$ but I think she wanted more exposure besides her ALT fanbase

doubt vision would have landed her the job being able to make a song for suicide squad.

all my friends and I dislike AA that we just replay visions at parties

I am a rich white male.

She is a sell out.

no, you are shitposter

ITT: ignorant people who have no idea what they are talking about

also, anyone who thinks her "career is over" is a fool. she can only get more popular by abandoning visions.

>doubt vision would have landed her the job
this is true... you think it's about attention then? wanting to be famous?

different strokes...

im going, to hit her with a hammer

Thread theme

I need dat rachet pussy doe fampai


This site should be 21+

black people


This is Grimes approved


Grimes is embarrassingly bad and just got lucky when making the handful of listenable material she has done throughout the course of her career

Nigger did Grimes 2015?



Art Angels was a great album. Your problem if you don't like it. Get over it.

Those weren't real fans, just bandwagon jumpers. Like you.

>That was her becoming popular. Once popular she declined.
That's bullshit. She evolved as an artist. Don't expect Visions 2 too soon.

all these millennials judging an artists worth by how many YouTube views they get

California is a tune


How much are you people getting paid? Or is it you Claire?


Yeah implying you haven't been into her for all of like six months alin
What happened to st Vincent huh? How long before you hop on the next mediocre overhyped female pop artist train

yeah fame is what she wants. tho now I'm curious to see how the scrapped album sounded like if AA was the redone version

it makes sense she moved to LA probably hangs with a lot of celebrities compared to her living in canada

Pathetic that you can't admit that people can unironically enjoy Grimes music. Now, fuck off.

read those posts again. they were judging her popularity by youtube views, not her worth. not the same thing


She is a mentally ill attention whore who wrote a good album on amphetamine.



To shitpost in Ariel Pink threads and bully arielfags

you can't /thread your own post dumbass. here, i'll do it for you



they should put aside their differences and have a nice hate-fuck

He insulted the queen and will pay with it for the rest of his liife

i know you are just trying to stir up shit and not actually a grimes fan

Says the fake grimes fan

I unironically enjoy some of her music.


genderbending grimes is best grimes

I really like that pic. Its better than a lot of the professional photoshoots she does. She looks like a rad dude.


due to the lack of good posts in this thread lets just post grimes

is she trying to eat her fingers?


who excited for her new song on the Suicide Squad soundtrack? it's called Medieval Warfare

me af

never seen this one before. always fun to collect new grimeses!

I just looked up the tracklist for the soundtrack. Its super lame-o. Grimes is the only artist on it that I like.



Got one forya boy
I still love Claire as Visions is just great.

I just want her to do better.


the other cover is better though

i like grimes but thats fucking pleb speak

I sometimes wonder if Grimes understands how great her old stuff was. Seems like she's tries to sweep it under the rug, so to speak.

I feel like its christmas! Or as we say here in the compound, "Grimesmas".

Claire is a pleb

The old Claire is gone, so no.

Nice. Post it and keep posting her. I will as well. I want to smell her butt after she jumps around for 2 hours trying to sing.


The one with the swans wrapped around the skull? I'm not really a fan a skulls, but its special caus Grimes drew it herself. I like that she does her own cover art.

pls don't be disrespectful by speaking lewdly about her

Got you brother


You know you want to

:( i miss her




This is the most beautiful picture of Claire.

Go ahead. Post a better one.

agree old claire is best and i don't particularly like the new one 2bh

no, she actually eats them

lol nips

holy shit that's disgusting but desu i used to do that too as a kid/teen, including my toes

>not liking neo-grimes

I miss Spooky Grimes playing gloomy music in old haunted warehouses.

>she'll never be as chill as she was during sxsw 2012
there was a time when you could approach her and offer her a toke and she'd agree. that time has passed.

>liking a loud mouth feminist pop artist who cant sing live


ape claws are fucking weird

That was before she moved to LA.

When she signed with JayZs management I knew things would get bad.

And here we are.

I still respect her as a person. But to be honest, she blew it.

that time might come back though :'(