Like the other thread

Post your favorite album and your favorite movie or TV show, have other anons guess your personality.
Reservoir Dogs and pic related.

Rick and Morty.

Taxi Driver

Used the air guitar a lot as a child

>Sopranos/Mad Men
>8 1/2

Life Of Brian

In Rainbows
Top Gear (old)
Bonus: Favourite book is The master and margarita

Taxi Driver or Eraserhead
House M. D.



You own a pair of driving gloves


You're either my soul mate or this whole thing is bullshit.

My favorite albums vary from time to time.
My favorite show is Rick and Morty

Revolutionary Girl Utena

Spongebob Squarepants.

No I'm not memeing.

Seasons 1-3 only though.

Apocalypse Now

Very ironic and quiet around people you don't know

Spongebob is a guilty pleassure of mine too!

you're usually fun to be around but can get annoying quickly

Pretty OK guy I guess

ARIA series

that sounds like aspergers to me

Aria is GOAT

The Holy Mountain
Tie between Masters of the Universe by Binary Star and What's Goin On by Marvin Gaye
You're a simple guy. You have a flexible personality, so you have many friends, but not many best friends.
You're that guy everyone thought was weird in high school, but when someone actually took the time to get to know you, they ended up liking you
You're serious 75% of the time. You have above average taste in wine.
You're the quiet Asian guy who seems very sophisticated to outsiders, but is caustically sarcastic and comical around close friends
You're not transgender, but you kinda wish you had a vagina AND a penis. You'd never get surgery or anything, it's just a thought that pops into your head sometimes
You have tastes that seem patrician to normies, and respectable to patricians. Your dad fucked many bitches in his youth
You don't do drugs often, but when you do, you do many at once and a lot of each
You have a very obscure sense of humor, but you make everyone else laugh
You're the nice buddy who's willing to put aside his time to help his friends often. Good shoulder to cry on.
Why? Genuinely curious, I've always thought it was vapid shock value
You eat junk but are still very skinny and healthy

Holy shit that's me exactly, watched both seasons and hyped for the third plus I have that album on CD. Are you me? (BTW D.A.N.C.E is GOAT)


Almost correct. I eat junk some days, and pretty healthy other days + I'm a bit muscular. You weren't far off

I've always kind of liked lars von trier for being such a cheeky danish cunt, riget is a legit good series should've put that there instead


Breaking Bad

Hell yeah dude, season 2's ending was fucking great even tho it was a cliffhanger.
Genesis is GOAT in terms of opening tracks.


I love it so much I don't even consider it a "guilty" pleasure. I don't have much of a problem admitting to people that I love it.

Arrested Development

Haha, the show sure has some charm to it

Curb Your Enthusiasm

you like micro beers
you have allot of free time
you feel like you see the world completely different from others
quiet and shy
you are very laid back

Pulp Fiction

>okc is my favorite album
nice bait

it's not b8 tho maybe that, in the court of the crimson king, or pinkerton idk I don't have a favourite album it's just sort of my go to when people ask

Courage The Cowardly Dog

New Jack is better


i fucked up, you two d8


Quiet Days in Clichy

Has a barely healthy obsession with his childhood memories.

Stoner. Does cocaine or thinks about it, a lot.

17 years old. Has a lot of friends.

Edgy opinions, but keeps them to himself because he hates to be associated with the people that he shares them with.

Emotional as fuck.

Stoner. Womanizer.

Loves science but doesn't bare studying it. Hilarious person.


Loves eurobeat but doesn't admit it.

Friends think his humor is too dark.

Twin Peaks

I am

OKC here I'm 20 and I don't have many desu

2001: Space Odyssey

>tfw don't really have a favourite anything

Black Swan