Holy Shit.
Holy Shit
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le wacky spongebob music
Great, right?
Not your cup of tea, or are you memin? I really liked this, caught me off guard.
Yeah man, I saw it in a good amount of threads and never thought to check it out. This is pretty great. Each song was just more different than the last.
Reminder that Pink Eye (On My Leg) is severely underrated.
That's how it is in pretty much every Ween album, other than like 12 golden country greats
Even in 12GCG, each song is a different style of country.
Fluffy sounds nothing like Japanese Cowboy
Where do I go from here, if at all? Did they peak with this album or is there a better one?
That all depends on your personal taste.
>lo-fi wacky shit
The Pod
>Smooth Alt Rock
If you like The Mollusk then check out Quebec and Chocolate And Cheese. They're less brown than some of their other work.
When it comes to picking a favourite Ween album the results are always scattered (which is a good thing).
I really enjoyed White Pepper
Awesome, sounds promising, cheers!
Dont' forget Pure Guava (Underrated) and White Pepper. Both are great too.
Ween is the shit.
Love The Mollusk, my all time favorite album. Love the nautical theme, the album art and most every track besides Blarney Stone. I also recently bought the vinyl and actually found a rare vinage Mollusk shirt from the 1997 Mollusk tour which is hard to find and can't get online.
Quebec and The Mollusk IMO are both their best work. So amazing.
gener has the voice of an angel
True. But Kim Smoltz >
I liked this album the first time and hated it the second. All the songs got extremely annoying.
A child without an eye.
Gunna look for the vinyl soon. Also checking out Quebec as we speak.
Never experienced this before, only the opposite. What are some other albums you felt like this about?
Pretty much only this. I don't know why but it was the fastest turn around I've ever had.
possibly one of the most overrated albums of all time
Nearly made her mother cry
The guys who made Spongebob have stated that the Mollusk was a heavy influence for the show.
What other Ween albums would you like to have been made into 90s children's cartoons?
I know its shit isint it?
Ween is pure spork
Quebec = Hey Arnold?
>tfw you find out that their real names aren't Dean and Gene Ween and they're not actually brothers
yeah they fucking suck but you listen to britpop
>Listens to Comus
>Calls anything else a utensil
When will they arrest you for bestiality?
I don't know why you would think that in any fashion, but okay.
I meant trying to visualize how an album would become a show, the way the Mollusk did.
oh man, montie is here. you know what to do boys *cracks knuckles* you walked into the wrong neighborhood, kiddo *grins evil*
if you liked the mollusk this is the best version of buckingham green
really recommend the full album
The Mollusk>
Quebec/The Pod>
God Ween Satan/Pure Guava>
Chocolate and Cheese/White Pepper>
12 Golden Country Greats>
La Cucaracha
Nah, fuck rankings.
Great thing about Ween, everybody likes a different album the most. So stay loyal to it, while knowing the other ones are great too.
you're talking to the most obsessive ween fan alive id consider everythign above 12 golden a 10/10, i can still rank and love them all
Montie hates something I love. This has just made my day.
literally same
not bland and white enough for him like fucking wilco
might as well be brothers. they were insanely good friends. a bond that can't be broken.
montie is a fucking retard piece of garbage.
Don't dignify his posts with a real comment. The only appropriate reply to montie post is "fuck off, montie"
fuck off, montie
Like the other anons said listen to Quebec ASAP. I was sleeping on it for a while because it's pretty emotional and it caught me off guard but it's easily their 2nd best behind the mollusk.
Ween is my favorite band and most people who like them are cool guys.
If I'm lucky, some of Mr. Tentacles' talent will RUB OFF on ME...
Something about Ween strikes me as too mean spirited and silly and insincere. It feels like they are making fun of music with their songs instead of genuinely paying homage to genres.
You should know you are incorrect, as is everyone who thinks anyone who plays in the style of genres with an element of humor is only doing so with malice.
Ween would not do a song in a style they did not like. Why the fuck would they bother?
One of the silliest things you could accuse them of, to be honest.
I don't know what it is, I like other artist who play various genres in self aware ways like Ariel Pink or Gorillaz, but something about Ween-maybe the lyrical content or album names or something- makes me feel like its all a joke.
i want tentacles to rub me off
Again, know that you're wrong.
No one would write a nine minute long Prince homage, if they didn't like the music.
Just roll with it dude. They're a little harsher than Ariel, but that doesn't make them not sincere about it.
you should listen to other songs than ocean man
That's post-modern as fuck.
I think.
it's called pastiche, and yes it's post modern.
Yeah. I used to know something about post-modernism. I think I still have an essay about that one Calvino novel.
Thank you.
GWS would be such a sick cartoon show, crazy late 80's/90's alt cartoon animation of a boognish flyin around risin up over th' hill and gettin a tick in its head and gettin real mad sceraming you fucked up and spewing fire while flashing electric blue and pink
I thought you died Monty.
Yeah, it would definitely be one of those Liquid Television shows on MTV.
Official, Objective rankings of songs on The Mollusk from Best to Worst:
1 Mutilated Lips
2 Ocean Man
3 The Mollusk
4 Waving My Dick in the Wind
5 Cold Blows the Wind
6 The Blarney Stone
7 It's Gonna Be (Alright)
8 I'm Dancing in the Show Tonight
9 Polka Dot Tail
10 She Wanted to Leave (Reprise)
11 Pink Eye (On My Leg)
12 Buckingham Green
13 The Golden Eel
14 I'll Be Your Johnny on the Spot
if u disagree I'll fite u irl
>not liking i'll be your johnny on the spot
>having the blarney stone above polka dot tail
>those bottom three
fite me m8
Cold Blows the Wind and The Blarney Stone are lowlights of the album but your #1 is right.
Buckingham Green is so underrated its criminal.
>opener at 8
what the fuck m8
listen to this version itll change ur mind
ACTUAL rankings incoming for mollusk
buckingham green
waving my dick in the wind
its gonna be alright
ocean man
johnny on the spot
golden eel
the mollusk
cold blows the wind
polka dot tail
blarney stone
she wanted to leave
mutilated lips
dancing in the show
pink eye
>Mutilated Lips that low
your list is even worse m8
literal worst son on the album
>waving my dick in the wind high on both lists
probably the worst song on the album
Thinking anything other than Pink Eye is worst is objectively contrarian.
>not paying a dime to see old Jimmy Wilson dance
One of the best songs on the album and the Live from Stubbs version is the tops as well
Pink Eye is good, fuck you
>he cant into country
its probably their single most overrated song i know more about ween than u kiddo pic related
u cant even see 12 country greats and all request live in this pic
meant as a reply to
here's the real list you fucks
1. polka dot tail
2. cold blows the wind
3. ocean man
4. i'll be your johnny on the spot
5. waving my dick in the wind
6. the mollusk
7. i'm dancing in the show tonight
8. pink eye
9. mutilated lips
10. it's gonna be (alright)
11. she wanted to leave
12. the blarney stones
13. the golden eel
14. buckingham green
most of the rankings or irrelevant tho, cos pretty much every song except for buckingham green is gold.
>pretty much every song except for buckingham green is gold
this is def better than the album version
REAL objective ranking of every song on The Mollusk from BEST to worst from a huge Ween fan:
1. The Mollusk
2. Mutilated Lips
3. Ocean Man
4. Cold Blows The Wind
5. Buckingham Green
6. Polka Dot Tail
7. It's Gonna Be Alright
8. The Golden Eel
9. She Wanted To Leave
10. Pink Eye
11. I'm Dancing In The Snow Tonight
12. I'll Be Your Johnny On The Spot
13. Waving My Dick In The Wind
14. The Blarney Stone
Change cold blows the wind with opener and you're 100% correct.
delete this
>putting my 3 favorite songs at the bottom
I fucking hate you
1. Mutilated Lips
2. Blarney Stone
3. Ocean Man
4. The Mollusk
5. Waving My Dick in the Wind
6. Buckingham Green
7. Dancing in the Show Tonight
8. I'll be Your Johnny on the Spot
9. The Golden Eel
10. She Wanted to Leave
11. Pink Eye
12. Cold Blows the Wind
13. It's Gonna be Alright
14. Polka Dot Tail
fite mi
is it possible to be this pleb?
>Well 2 of them aren't awful but clearly are the goofy ones out of the others which are more cohesive and "professional" felt better too, and they don't really fit the nautical theme.
>It's Gonna Be Alright below Pink Eye
100 percent accurate
who are you quoting? :')
doesn't the album also have another theme about a break up or whatever?
Dick and to some extent Johnny fit that
Eh, kind of. But It's Gonna Be Alright is the goat breakup song. The others are fun but I just don't listen to them as much.
sure got me with that excellent opinion
Quit saying every fucking song sounds like Spongepob music
>2 Avalanche songs
Where will you stop
to be fair Ween does have 2 songs in SpongeBob, more than any other actual band
>implying this somehow makes them bad
w e w l a d
>implying that the album didn't come out far before the spongebob movie did
sure is summer in here
it does
making even one song for kids makes your band awful
accept it
The Mollusk
It's Gonna Be (Alright)
Ocean Man
Mutilated Lips
The Golden Eel
Blarney Stone
Buckingham Green
Cold Blows The Wind
She Wanted to Leave
I'll Be Your Johnny on the Spot
Polka Dot Tail
I'm Dancing in the Show Tonight
Waving my Dick in the Wind
Pink Eye (On My Leg)