What does Sup Forums think of BONES?

What does Sup Forums think of BONES?

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I know it's you Boner


sounds like a 14 year old trying to rap

he's great
fuck the haters
yet you fags like young thug

Bones is my favorite rapper. I absolutely love how his music gets progressively more somber as you move through his releases. Powder, Garbage and PAIDPROGRAMMING have to be my favorite mixtapes of his. sesh

bones made me skinny

"You don't wanna die with a guy like me I know that you Got another plan No you got another dream So why can't you? Breathe in Exhale"

Young thug actually has something to say and his production is way better

if he stopped doing quantity over quality he could come out with something really good.

nice meme

Listen to him when im high

It's like you want pepes

Did he put some demon sounds on the the background or am I going crazy again

teamsesh has the only good music coming out nowadays


you're going crazy again user

Listen to Powder. It's pure goodness.


hes boring but has some cool beats sometimes
xavier wulf is better

but young thug is a lot more talented than bones

"I don't know how to rap, I just talk over the beat."
-Xavier Wulf

meme rap is gay, let it die already.

hmmmm i actually think he is good like calm and deep dark rap