Pic related are the absolute best albums released this year

Pic related are the absolute best albums released this year.

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order your cassette yet?

Ventian Snares is deffo good

Why does nobody listen to Meat Market?

Bottom right and middle row, 2nd and 3rd columns?

bottom right is: Embassy - Embassy

middle row 2nd and 3rd columns are: Perfume Advert - Foreverware and Paul Hares - Astral Travel

Some alright stuff there



fucking pleb i swear to christ

truly pathetic list of albums

this is not your personal AOTY chart thread idiots. get the fuck out.

fuck off pleb. i bet you haven't even heard that entire chart.

What's the thread for then?

I've heard a little of all of them. Most were immediately deleted.

yeah no shit

this is a thread to show the best albums of the year as picked by Marcel drones

>I've heard a little of all of them. Most were immediately deleted.
ok it's confirmed you have no idea what you're talking about then, since you're probably just memeing me because none of those albums on that chart were ever deleted

Oh sorry I forgot it was your stupid "patrician list meme thread"

deleted from my computer child

ayy venetian snares. chocolate wheelchair is his best work, with my love is a bulldozer at close second.

fun fact: my buddy mike glozier had the honor of recording some drums for Dear Poet off of my love is a bulldozer.

that's fucking sick mate

probably the most skilled drummer i know. he through up a cover of gentleman a few years back. here it is, in case you're curious


oh shit, nice. i'll check this out! thanks for sharing, man.

>first column, middle row
what album is this?



fuck off


a much better list than OP

great list m8

a bit boomkat-core, but that blows marcel-core out of the water

wtf is it then



thank you friend