Does this help me make music?

Does this help me make music?

Sure yea why not

It can but these little bastards oh my god


Now that's some patrician OTC

Don't ever take too many of those, Sup Forums. Really.

Spiders crawling all over the walls and a constant sense of impeding doom aren't fun to experience.

>tfw I made 45 minutes of guitar free improvisation on 550mg of DPH but my phone broke almost immediately afterward.

But just the right amount and music is legitimately enhanced, everything you hear is a very intimate and profound experience.

Says you. Put on some Taku Sugimoto or Merzbow and make friends with some spiders, OP.

what's acid + addies like?


the most I've ever taken is 200 mg

150 mg + 8 oz rum = severe blackout