Whoever doesn't think these are Bowie's top 3 albums is a contrarian or a pleb who thinks Ziggy Stardust is on the same...

Whoever doesn't think these are Bowie's top 3 albums is a contrarian or a pleb who thinks Ziggy Stardust is on the same level.


Young Americans

Never Let Me Down

>no Station to Station

Diamond Dogs is Bowie's best.

i am sorry maine

b-but user, I don't see blackstar

1. Outside
2. Earthling
3. Hours

Get fucked OP.

Swap out (the slightly overrated) Hunky Dory for Station to Station and you'd be right

Scary Monsters desu

1. Station to Station
2. Diamond Dogs
3. Heroes

Hunky Dory a 7/10, so your opinion is shit.

this, also low is meme tier

Ziggy is better than those three albums and Diamond dogs is better than 2/3 of those (Hunky dory being the exception)

My trip is ironic so fuck up


Hunky dory shouldn't be on that

Station to Station is probably my number 1. Bowie made so many incredible albums that you could argue any one of about 7 is his best, similar to The Beatles and Radiohead. Nothing to do with being a contrarian.

I honestly completely agree with you, OP.

Young Americans
Station To Station

which 7?


Well, personally, at one time or another Station to Station, Low, Hunky Dory, Ziggy and Aladdin Sane have all been my favourite Bowie album. Then you have Heroes, Blackstar, Scary Monsters, Young Americans, Diamond Dogs...it's unbelievable quantity and quality.

There's only two good songs on Tonight you absolute ponce

Eh. I'd replace Heros with Ziggy. Low is king of an obvious choice. If you don't recognize the genius of Hunky Dory, you haven't listened to it enough.

Low is good but side 2 is just boring. If side 1 of heroes was side 2 of low, and side 2 of low and heroes was a separate album, i could get behind that

Station to station
id tie young americans with hunky dory but close enough

Look. Hunky Dory has some great tracks, some of his bests, but YOU are the contrarian faggot if you seriously think it is as a whole album, as good as Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars

I hope someday you realize how beautiful side 2 of Low is. I know you can do it.

>only two good songs
Wew Lad

It's not that it's bad, but after hearing all those pop songs, it's really hard to get in the mood for ambient stuff.

This is objectively correct top 5 in no order

Station to Station
Scary Monsters
Ziggy Stardust

Any deviation from this list means you are a contrarian faggot.

This is pretty good.
Also you are a contrarian faggot if you think hunky dory is better than Ziggy Stardust and that not liking Ziggy Stardust makes you less of a pleb.

Ziggy has songs that just feel like fillers (it ain't easy, lady stardust) - while you might not like every song on Hungry Dory, but no one of them feels like a filler.