How the hell do you play this thing?

How the hell do you play this thing?

Learn music theory senpai

You place your fingers on the white and black rectangles (known as keys), and by pressing on the keys they move a hammer that strikes strings within the instrument.

You can play multiple "keys" at once or in succession to creat what is known as "music"

if you press every key at once it unlocks and hands you the instruction manual

you press the keys

years of practice

buy some piano lesson books dude or just google it
piano is literally the easiest instrument to learn

It's like Mario Paint made out of poached elephant tusks

Ignore the white keys.

>piano is literally the easiest instrument to learn
if you want to play shitty rock/pop music

Ignore the black keys.

oh sure, any insturment is easy to play if you don't play much. The point is, it's easy for you to become a god at piano than at saxophone or trumpet or some other instument. But yeah, if you play simple chords and melodies, any instrument will be relatively easy to learn

Ignore the piano entirely

Get a harpsichord instead like any regular patrician

>it's easy for you to become a god at piano than at saxophone or trumpet or some other instument.
just no

Fuck you pretentious ass meox mix lookin ass playin anime tunes lookin ass thinkin ya sumtn lookin ass



Look at it. Fucking look at it.

What if i want to play classical music?

GL finding one for a reasonable price.



With a teacheand at an least 1 hour of study at day (not just playing shit, studying seriously

Nope, those multiple keys played at the same time aren't necessarily music.

If you just play that, then they are just notes, with a structure and a pattern but not music