ITT: Sup Forumsvies

ITT: Sup Forumsvies

Anything from biopics to documentaries to plain old music-themed fiction is welcome

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what are some movies with Sup Forums-core soundtrack? or at least some good music?
I really like this movie, it has to be a personal favourite

That's 500 Days of Summer yeah? I watched that when I was 15 or 16 and the girl who introduced me to Joy Division shot me down. It was too real.

Anyway pic related is the most patrician soundtrack.

Christiane F
Inside Llewellyn Davis
Scott Pilgrim
True Stories


>Mannen som elsket Yngve

it has everything, gayness, pretentious teens listening to meme post punk, cool Scandinavian aesthetics and also tfngf

Favourite music documentary. Basically the real life spinal tap with good music

Lost Highway

the several Hella documentaries are cool if you like the band

Patrician Documentary mewvies:

Dont Look Back
A Band Called Death
Dont Think Ive Forgotten
Beware of Mr Baker
New York Doll

The choice to cast Bill Murray as Annie Clark was questionable but I think it paid off.

>women has pink highlights

D r o p p e d

The Buddy Holly Story

These should be the Sup Forums essentials:
The Devil & Daniel Johnston
Love & Mercy
Breadcrumb Trail

Tenacious D and The Pick of Destiny

>No one has mentioned O'Brother Where Art Thou?
C'mon guys.

Finding Dory had a pretty good soundtrack tb quite h

The devil and Daniel Johnston made me shed manly tears-

Did any of you felt the same?

kids, la haine and gummo

Dig! should be required viewing.

Frank was fucking weird, still enjoyed it though, dominall gleeson is pretty cool

Scott pilgrim soundtrack is good shit, my favourite movie maybe

One of my favourite movies from one of my favourite directors

Brilliant film.

My man.

The Mighty Boosh.

>inb4 "lelsorandumb xD"
You can't blame Julian Barratt for Noel's bullshit.

Was disappointed with Luxury Comedy. Noel needs Barratt to balance things out.

When I watched this movie I did not expect to hear Sunn O))), Boards of Canada and Ulver.


Does Blade Runner count? I literally discovered the movie because of the god-tier soundtrack album.

SLC-Punk is an excellent movie about a shitty punk scene. Definitely worth a watch.

Eddie Vedder wrote quite a bit for this, I believe.

is st. louis blues worth watching? it's starring nat king cole, ella fitzgerald and eartha kitt

Primer has a great ambient soundtrack written by the directer. Shane Carruth did pretty much everything for this movie actually

High Fidelity is pretty good


theres a alot

Actually really enjoyed this song:

Was written by Van Dyke Parks, too.

would be a darn shame if nobody knew this gem

What about Sup ForumsVA's

Adventureland was a surprisingly good movie and it had a great soundtrack. Lou Reed, The Replacements, The Cure, Bowie, etc.

I also used to work at a pool during the summer, and it was very relatable as a romanticized version of that


utterly Classic

having a hard time finding a torrent w any seeders at all, any links/site recs????

anyone know any no wave kino with a truly no wave soundtrack?

No but I remember my friend making me watch it


how is kids music related. pure edgyness
this movie has god tier music

Gummo is essentially /metal/: the soundtrack.


Major Organ and the Adding Machine is the peak of Sup Forumsvies.

>Starring Jeff Mangum as the lobster

The ATP movie is on YouTube, I reccomend you all watch it. Plenty of Sup Forums core.

>how is kids music related. pure edgyness
Daniel Johnston, Slint, and Sebadoh are on the soundtrack

such a great album, and movie.


>mfw we had to read the book in high school and I thought it would be another boring experience but I was tearing up by the end

fantastic documentary on a fantastic label.

The movie's so-so, but the soundtrack's god-tier.

Well ATP is the most Sup Forumscore festival anyway.
It's a big circlejerk of post-rock, noise rock and art rock acts in a good way.

isn't there a Godspeed song on this?

>isn't there a Godspeed song on this?
yeah, East Hastings

>intended to be just a hallow Beatlemania cash-grab
>turns out to be a surprisingly well-written, funny, witty, grounded, and trailblazing comedy classic

Absolute madmen

>not posting the superior song from that same episode