Over the past 8 months I have been keeping track of the amount certain albums are posted on here each day. Every time I see a certain album more than once I start to keep tally of it in a doc folder in order to determine the true Sup Forumscore. These are what I have found to be the most reposted records. This is based on mentions of the album, reposts of the cover, and positive/negative reception towards it. Like it or not, this is our board. Some shit in there, sure, but this purely based off of post amount.
Dude make one with album titles so plebs can be introduced to it
Ryder Howard
Does that Dismemberment Plan really get posted all that much?
Carter Gomez
Swap out Pink Guy with Close to the Edge and move up VU&N and you'te good
Jaxson Davis
It gets mentioned in every indie rock thread.
Liam Morales
this. either close to the edge or pink moon would be more accurate
Justin Powell
Pink Guy is just a shit comedy album. Filthy Frank gets mentioned a lot but it usually doesn't have to do with his music.
Cameron Robinson
Maybe swap out benis album with one and PG with the other
Jack Brooks
Kek I see Animals mentioned more than Tago Mago 2bh
Chase Ramirez
>Art Angels >all that vapormeme fuck off, here's the updated chart as of a couple seconds ago If you don't know the names of 99% of these you shouldn't be posting here
Connor Baker
I haven't seen Pink Guy or Far Side Digital posted about here in over a year.
Michael Perez
>removes art angels and vaporwave >keeps fucking pink guy >adds crystal castles somehow you managed to make it worse.
Levi Flores
The mu chart is made for having people discover and be introduced to albums, are you fucking retarded?
Angel Ross
This is an objective count of the votes skipping over reposts and literal "NIGGERTBH"s, not your "well this should be here instead" bullshit
Camden Foster
>Old Boots, New Dirt >No Blurryface For shame.
Leo Watson
>keeps meme albums >moves animals back WEW LAD
Andrew Wilson
Should King Crimson go on here? They're a traditional Sup Forumscore band but they don't get mentioned that often anymore. Joy Division was an important one I missed.
I was surprised too, but yes.
Caleb Watson
to be honest this isn't even bad
i haven't listened to a handful but the first four rows are all pretty great imo
Andrew Mitchell
Kek no it isn't pham, that chart was edited
Christopher Turner
No one here listens to Crystal Castles or Pink Guy you tard. Pink Guy is only there because Filthy Frank gets mentioned often.
Lincoln Jones
i didnt even notice kc wasnt on it. maybe swap out far side digital for it
>because Filthy Frank gets mentioned often what do you think a Sup Forumscore chart is supposed to be consisted of
Sebastian Barnes
Filthy Frank is mentioned for his meme videos and being a source of cancerous underage fags coming to this website, not for his music.
Wyatt Allen
Frank gets mentioned a lot but the Pink Guy album isn't. By that logic, The New Calassic should be Sup Forumscore as well.
Nicholas Richardson
a good majority of grimesposting isn't about her music either, friend :^) also >being a source of cancerous underage fags coming to this website see: Sup Forumscore
Wyatt Adams
ITCOTCK should swap Unknown Pleasures
Pink Moon should swap Far Side Virtual
Tyler Bailey
Descendents, Crystal Castles, and the red demon guy album I've never seen before never get posted here ever. Terrible chart.
Benjamin Wilson
It's an objective count, friend :^) This isn't my opinion, I can't do anything about it
Nathan Hall
I hope you realise people weren't voting so it's accurate, but rather so their favorite album is Sup Forumscore.
Carson Martinez
I really love Congratulations, but it hardly ever gets posted here. Not Sup Forumscore at all.
Adam Wilson
I'll change it when the voters do
Alexander Fisher
Jesus Christ just abandon this chart. This is a disaster. OP's is way better.
Brandon Myers
Here's the top 20 from that poll with album names included for people who really don't recognize some of these Nothing here looks too out of place aside from the Sweet Trip album but I'm assuming that's /shugazi/'s collective vote since Loveless was guaranteed anyways